This application allows users to lend and borrow items for free. Lenders upload items which borrowers can browse and request for a certain amount of time. Non-users can also browse items before deciding if they would like to join.
- Website
- Technologies used
- Dependencies
- Developers
- To Install on local machine
- Screenshots
- Acknowledgements
- NodeJs
- CSS3
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Handlebars
- NPM packages
NPM packages
(Node.js body parsing middleware)express
(Web framework)mysql
(A node.js driver for mysql)sequelize
(Multi dialect ORM for Node.JS)express-handlebars
(Handlebars view engine for Express)passport
(Authentication for Node.js.)passport-local
(Local username and password authentication strategy for Passport.)connect-flash
(Flash messages for Express)express-session
(Simple session middleware for Express)nodemailer
( Sending e-mail from Node.js app)
Git Clone the repository to your local machine.
Go to the config directory and change development environment properties.
Navigate to the folder where the repository in Terminal.
Run the command
npm install
to download the required dependencies. -
Then type
node server.js
in terminal inside the directory. -
Then run below address on browser.
We would like to thank our instructors: George and Brandon, for their guidance and knowledge. As well as our TAs: Felipe and Travis for their assistance.