Convert FamilySearch export format files to GEDCOM
getmyancestors from daveneeley ( is a Python script that claims to download family trees in GEDCOM format from FamilySearch. As far of my experiment, it produces usable data but not in valid GEDCOM format. fs2ged is the conversion tool that allows producting valid GEDCOM files from the output of getmyancestors. Produced GEDCOM files can then be imported directly into Gramps or other geneanology software.
./fs2ged jfk.fs jfk.ged
getmyancestors from Linekio ( is a fork that downloads family trees in GEDCOM format from FamilySearch. It is a valuable solution that replaces both daveneely's script and fs2ged. I did not try the getmyancestors version from freeseek (