Draw a circle with r=5: drawWide (Circle 5)
Draw two right triangles beside each other: drawWide (Beside (RightTriangle 7 7) (RightTriangle 7 7) BMiddle)
A snowman (check out the examples section of shapes.hs to see how it is constructed): drawWide snowman
A shape vaguely resembling a dog: drawWide dog
A heart: drawWide heart
The text "GOOD LUCK!": draw goodLuck
A Sierpinski triangle: draw (sierpinski 7 5)
produces an IO in which each unit represents one character; so draw (Square 5)
produces a 5 x 5 grid. This function is recommended for use with square-character fonts.
doubles the width of the output, so that draw (Square 5)
produces a 10 x 5 grid which looks like more of a square on most terminal fonts.
Existing functionality:
- Basic shapes:
Rectangle width height
RightTriangle width height
CenterTriangle sideLength
Circle radius
- Compund shapes:
makeSquare side
makeTrapezoid height top bottom
makeParallelogram height center_width extra_width
- Basic relations:
- Beside realtions:
- Top
- Middle
- Bottom
- Above relations:
- Left
- Middle
- Right
- Beside realtions:
- Basic transformations:
- Invisible
- Vertical flip (FlipV)
- Horizontal flip (FlipH)
- Horizontal cut (CutH)
In progress functionality:
Line x y
(not completed for cases in which y does not divide x)Text string size
(still missing letters F, J, M, P, Q, V, W, X, Y, Z)- Vertical cut
Planned functionality:
- Overlays
- Outlines
- Rotation
- n-gons