An automated script that sends TradingView alerts to Telegram via webhook.
The entire deployment can be done with a single click using Heroku.
- channel : Telegram Channel ID. If occur the error "Chat not found" try to add "-100" prefix
- sce_key : Can be any thing. For security check. Only messeage with correct key will be send.
- tg_token : The API key of your telegram bot.
- All set!
Get your Web address from Heroku
Settings -> Domains
Add "webhook" behind
Example :
Set TradingView alert
Example :
{ "key" : "sec_key", "msg" : "msg you want to send" }
If you want to send msg to different Channel. You can use this method.
{ "key" : "sec_key", "telegram" : "Channel ID", "msg" : "msg you want to send" }
The Channel ID input here will overwrite which one you set in os.env.
By the way, if you want to test with postman, Post with example as body to your address.
Heroku’s free dyno goes idle after 30 minutes of inactivity, causing a 30-second delay upon restart.
We can easily use UptimeRobot to send requests every 15min.
Set this URL on UptimeRobot:
Modify from repo fabston/TradingView-Webhook-Botgit