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Zabbix-Server (CentOS-7 + Supervisor)

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Deploy to Docker Cloud

Docker Image with Zabbix Server using CentOS-7 and Supervisor. Image is using external datbase.
This image is using offcial zabbix-server-2.4 Docker Image as base image.

Installed Plugins

Email Notifications with authorisation
Slack Notifications
Nginx Status /nginx_status
PHP-FPM Status /fpm_status

Database deployment

To be able to connect to database we would need one to be running first. Easiest way to do that is to use another docker image. For this purpose we will use our million12/mariadb image as our database.

**For more information about million12/MariaDB see our documentation. **


docker run \
	-d \
	--name zabbix-db \
	-p 3306:3306 \
	--env="MARIADB_USER=username" \
	--env="MARIADB_PASS=my_password" \

Remember to use the same credentials when deploying zabbix-server image.

Environmental Variable

IYou can use environmental variables to config Zabbix server and PHP. Available variables:

Variable Default value
PHP_date_timezone UTC
PHP_max_execution_time 300
PHP_max_input_time 300
PHP_memory_limit 128M
PHP_error_reporting E_ALL
ZS_ListenPort 10051
ZS_LogFile /tmp/zabbix_server.log
ZS_LogFileSize 10
ZS_DebugLevel 3
ZS_PidFile /var/run/
ZS_DBHost zabbix.db
ZS_DBName zabbix
ZS_DBUser zabbix
ZS_DBPassword zabbix
ZS_DBSocket /tmp/mysql.sock
ZS_DBPort 3306
ZS_StartPollers 5
ZS_StartPollersUnreachable 1
ZS_StartTrappers 5
ZS_StartPingers 1
ZS_StartDiscoverers 1
ZS_StartHTTPPollers 1
ZS_StartTimers 1
ZS_JavaGatewayPort 10052
ZS_StartJavaPollers 0
ZS_StartVMwareCollectors 0
ZS_VMwareFrequency 60
ZS_VMwarePerfFrequency 60
ZS_VMwareCacheSize 8M
ZS_VMwareTimeout 10
ZS_SNMPTrapperFile /tmp/zabbix_traps.tmp
ZS_StartSNMPTrapper 0
ZS_HousekeepingFrequency 1
ZS_MaxHousekeeperDelete 500
ZS_SenderFrequency 30
ZS_CacheSize 8M
ZS_CacheUpdateFrequency 60
ZS_StartDBSyncers 4
ZS_HistoryCacheSize 8M
ZS_TrendCacheSize 4M
ZS_HistoryTextCacheSize 16M
ZS_ValueCacheSize 8M
ZS_Timeout 3
ZS_TrapperTimeout 300
ZS_UnreachablePeriod 45
ZS_UnavailableDelay 60
ZS_UnreachableDelay 15
ZS_AlertScriptsPath /usr/local/share/zabbix/alertscripts
ZS_ExternalScripts /usr/local/share/zabbix/externalscripts
ZS_FpingLocation /usr/sbin/fping
ZS_Fping6Location /usr/sbin/fping6
ZS_LogSlowQueries 0
ZS_TmpDir /tmp
ZS_StartProxyPollers 1
ZS_ProxyConfigFrequency 3600
ZS_ProxyDataFrequency 1
ZS_AllowRoot 0
ZS_User zabbix
ZS_SSLCertLocation /usr/local/share/zabbix/ssl/certs
ZS_SSLKeyLocation /usr/local/share/zabbix/ssl/keys
ZS_LoadModulePath /usr/lib/zabbix/modules

Configuration from volume

Full config files can be also used. Environment configs will be overriden by values from config files in this case. You need only to add /etc/custom-config/ volume:

-v /host/custom-config/:/etc/custom-config/

Available files:

File Description
php-zabbix.ini PHP configuration file
zabbix_server.conf Zabbix server configuration file

Zabbix-Server Deployment

Now when we have our database running we can deploy zabbix-server image with appropriate environmental variables set.


docker run \
	-d \
	--name zabbix \
	-p 80:80 \
	-p 10051:10051 \
	--link zabbix-db:zabbix.db \
	--env="ZS_DBHost=zabbix.db" \
	--env="ZS_DBUser=zabbix" \
	--env="ZS_DBPassword=my_password" \

With email settings and Slack integration and custom timezone:

docker run \
	-d \
	--name zabbix \
	-p 80:80 \
	-p 10051:10051 \
	--link zabbix-db:zabbix.db \
	--env="ZS_DBHost=zabbix.db" \
	--env="ZS_DBUser=zabbix" \
	--env="ZS_DBPassword=my_password" \
	--env="[email protected]" \
	--env="" \
	--env="ZABBIX_SMTP_USER=default.smtp.username" \
	--env="ZABBIX_SMTP_PASS=default.smtp.password" \
	--env="SLACK_WEBHOOK=" \

With MySQL/MariaDB linked container:

docker run \
	-d \
	--name zabbix \
	-p 80:80 \
	-p 10051:10051 \
	--link some-mariadb:db \

Access Zabbix-Server web interface

To log in into zabbix web interface for the first time use credentials Admin:zabbix.

Access web interface under http://docker_host_ip Follow the on screen instructions.

Zabbix Push Notifications

Zabbix notification script is located in /usr/local/share/zabbix/alertscripts
Please follow Zabbkit manual to configure notifications.

Email Notifications (Server settings)

Using environmental variables on docker run you can edit default email server settings. Valuse would be added on into /usr/local/share/zabbix/alertscripts/
Environmental variables are:
[email protected]

Configuration: Go into Administration/Media types and add new type using script as Type. Script name should be

Media type

Next go to Configuration/Actions and create new action. Select recovery message.


Next select tab Operations and click New to add new action. In Send to User groups add Zabbix Adminstrator or any user group you like. In Send only to select Name of your previously created Media type name.


Next go to Administration/Users and select your user. Go to Media tab and add new Media. In Type select your Media type you have created in first step. Add your email addess and enjoy receiving emails.


Slack Integration

This docker image comes with Slack integrations script. You need to provide your WebHook generated in yo your Slack account. it should look like

Note: this Slack Integration script is based on one originally developed by ericoc/zabbix-slack-alertscript. For deatiled installation please see ericoc instructions.

Nginx Status Template

Nginx stats script is located in /usr/local/share/zabbix/externalscripts/.
It's latest version of vicendominguez/nginx-zabbix-template official Zabbix communty repo.
Gathering data is done by which is already installed in this image. User need to install template to be able to use this feature.
Go to Configuration/Templates and select Import and import file located in this repo in templates-files directory called zbx_nginx_template.xml



More details in official documentation here.

PHP-FPM Status Template

PHP-FPM Status template assumes that your Nginx server is configured to serve stats under /fpm_status url and port 80. If you you want to use custom port please edit necessary files.

Example of nginx.conf file:

location /fpm_status {
access_log off;
deny all;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_pass php-upstream;

Go to Configuration/Templates and select Import and import file located in this repo in templates-files directory called zabbix-php-fpm-template.xml


Docker troubleshooting

Use docker command to see if all required containers are up and running:

$ docker ps

Check logs of Zabbix server container:

$ docker logs zabbix

Sometimes you might just want to review how things are deployed inside a running container, you can do this by executing a bash shell through docker's exec command:

docker exec -ti zabbix /bin/bash

History of an image and size of layers:

docker history --no-trunc=true million12/zabbix-server | tr -s ' ' | tail -n+2 | awk -F " ago " '{print $2}'


Author: Przemyslaw Ozgo ([email protected])

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