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Your Todos

This React script serves as your todo check list.


Adding new to-do items. Toggling the completion status of to-do items. Deleting to-do items. Clearing all to-do items. Viewing the history of to-do items.

How to run the script

$ npm run build
$ npm run dev

Screenshot/GIF showing the sample use of the script



The component imports required dependencies, including React's useState hook, the Popup component from 'reactjs-popup', and the crypto library for generating unique IDs. The component uses several state variables: newItem: the input value for the new to-do item. todos: the array of current to-do items. historys: the array of deleted to-do items. The handleSubmit function is called when the user submits the form to add a new to-do item. It checks if the input value is not empty and adds the new item to the todos state. The Toggletodo function updates the completion status of a specific to-do item in the todos state. The deleteTodo function removes a to-do item from the todos state and adds it to the historys state. The deletealltodos function removes all to-do items from the todos state and adds them to the historys state. The component renders a form for adding new to-do items, a list of current to-do items, and buttons for clearing all to-do items and viewing the to-do history. The Popup component from 'reactjs-popup' is used to display the to-do history when the user clicks the "History" button.

Author Name

This script was created by milliyin Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests.


This React script serves as your todo check list.







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