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NDelius User Management Tool

Security Accessibility Code Quality Tests

Developed by Unilink using Angular and Spring Boot to enable NPS-ICT and CRC admins to effectively create and maintain user accounts in the National Delius application, and to allow external services to securely authenticate Probation staff. User accounts are stored across an LDAP cluster (for authentication, user preferences and functional authorisation), and an Oracle database (for data authorisation and caseload management).



The following dependencies are required to build this application:


To build/test a Jar from the source code, run:

./gradlew clean build


To build a docker image, using Cloud Native Buildpacks, run:

./gradlew clean buildBootImage


To run the application using a configuration file, use the command:

java -jar build/libs/delius-user-management.jar --spring.config.location=file:/path/to/

By default, the app will run on http://localhost:8080/umt. This can be overridden with the properties server.address, server.port and server.servlet.context-path. See Configure.

Dev profile

To quickly get up and running, you can run the app using the dev profile. This will start the application with an in-memory LDAP server, H2 database and Redis cluster. Data is seeded from data.ldif. and data.sql.

  • Using Java:
java -jar build/libs/delius-user-management.jar
  • Using Docker:
docker run -P --env SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev delius-user-management:latest

Once started, point your browser at http://localhost:8080/umt and login with the credentials:

  • Username: test.user
  • Password: secret

Front-end development

To enable live reloading of the front-end during development, run

npm start --prefix=ui

and open http://localhost:4200/umt in your browser. Any changes to the UI files will trigger a browser refresh.

Note: This expects the back-end to also be running on http://localhost:8080/umt.


The application is configured with conventional Spring parameters.

See application-example.yml for an example configuration file. Alternatively, look at application-dev.yml to see how the app can be configured with in-memory datasources (see: Dev Profile)

Data Sources

  • spring.datasource defines the Database connection, which is used for user, staff and dataset access information.
  • spring.ldap defines the LDAP connection, which contains user authentication, role-based access control (RBAC), and NDelius user preferences.
  • spring.redis defines the Redis connection details, which is used for storing OAuth2 access tokens and authorisation codes.

Custom configuration items

  • delius.secret is a shared secret key between this application and Delius to support authenticating users who have already logged in to Delius (See [Preauthenticated grant](#Preauthenticated grant)).
  • delius.ldap.base.* defines the base context where users, roles, groups etc are stored within the Delius LDAP.

Performance Testing

Load tests are written in Scala using the Gatling library. These tests run from an AWS CodeBuild project in the Delius performance test environment (see buildspec.load-test.yml and

To run the tests locally,

BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080/umt \
TEST_USERNAME=test.user \
./gradlew gatlingRun


The User Management Tool acts as an OAuth2 identity provider for National Delius, and supports the implicit, authorization_code, client_credentials and refresh_token grant types as well as a custom preauthenticated grant type.

OAuth clients are registered in the LDAP under the cn=EISUsers container, with scopes being defined by the Delius roles assigned to them. To register a new client, follow the instructions in the hmpps-ndelius-rbac repository.

The front-end application authenticates with the back-end using the Authorization Code flow as the UserManagement-UI client, by making use of the angular-oauth2-oidc library.

The following commands show how you can authenticate as a user (test.user) to authorize a client (test.web.client), using the Authorization Code flow.

# User gets an authorization code
> curl -X GET -u 'test.user:secret' 'http://localhost:8080/umt/oauth/authorize?client_id=test.web.client&response_type=code&redirect_uri=/login-success'
< 303 See Other: /login-success?code=<auth_code>

# Client swaps the authorization code for an access token
> curl -X POST -u 'test.web.client:secret' 'http://localhost:8080/umt/oauth/token?code=<auth_code>&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=/login-success'
< {"access_token":"<token>", ...}

# Client sends the access token in the Authoriation header to access API resources
> curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' 'http://localhost:8080/umt/api/whoami'
< {"username": "test.user", ...}


Preauthenticated grant

Currently the NDelius application authenticates against the LDAP directly, and this authentication can't be shared with other services. This means that when NDelius redirects to external applications, users would have to reauthenticate against the OAuth identity provider.

To improve user experience, the preauthenticated grant type has been introduced. This works by allowing NDelius to pass the signed/encrypted username to the external application as a request parameter, which can then be used for password-less authentication for a limited period of time. When NDelius constructs the URL for the external service, it will append two parameters:

  • u - The username of the authenticated user
  • t - The timestamp of when the URL was constructed

Both parameters will be encrypted by NDelius using a symmetric key that is shared between NDelius and UMT (configured using delius.secret).

These two parameters should then be provided to the /oauth/token endpoint with grant_type=preauthenticated. The parameters will be verified for authenticity using the configured delius.secret key, and an OAuth2 access token will be returned on success.

For example,

> curl -X POST -u test.web.client:secret "http://localhost:8080/umt/oauth/token?u=${encryptedUsername}&t=${encryptedTimestamp}&client_id=test.web.client&grant_type=preauthenticated&scope=UMBI001"
< {"token_type":"bearer","access_token":"...","refresh_token":"...","expires_in":43199,"scope":"UMBI001"}

For more details on how this is implemented, see