go-splittestgen splits test cases into some subsets and print commands to run one of subsets for parallel testing.
- The parser code is based on github.com/Songmu/gotesplit written by Songmu
is parsing output of go test -list
from stdin(in the usual case, it is piped),
dividing test cases into some groups by a number,
and then printing a command or commands to execute one of the divided test groups indicated by an index number.
if you want to run the generated test commands immediately, just pipe them to a shell.
# print test commands
$ go test ./... -list . | go-splittestgen -total 3 -index 2
# execute tests
$ go test ./... -list . | go-splittestgen -total 3 -index 2 | sh
-index uint
index of test processes (default 0, must be less than the total number)
-total uint
total number of test processes (default 1)
# go install
$ go install github.com/minoritea/go-splittestgen/cmd/go-splittestgen
# or just run
$ go test ./... -list . | go run github.com/minoritea/go-splittestgen/cmd/go-splittestgen
name: CI
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
parallelism: [3]
index: [0,1,2]
- uses: actions/setup-go@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Add github.com/minoritea/go-splittestgen to go.mod before CI.
- name: Run tests in parallel
run: |
go mod download
go test ./... -list . | \
go run github.com/minoritea/go-splittestgen/cmd/go-splittestgen \
-total ${{ matrix.parallelism }} \
-index ${{ matrix.index }} | \
sed -e 's/$/ -v -count 1/g' | sh