This plugin is mainly for adding animations to older versions of Compass.
- The latset version of Compass has this code merged in, so there's no need for this plugin. We're not updating it anymore.
- If you are looking for Dan Eden's Animate.css ported to Compass, try the compass-animate plugin.
First and foremost, this plugin gives you all the tools you need to write and apply css3 animations in compass. As a bonus, and only if you so choose, it also supplies you with a "shit-ton" (roughly 2 metric tons) of pre-fabricated animations taken from Dan Eden's "Animate.css" project.
This plugin requires Sass 3.2 and Compass 0.12
gem install animation --pre
require 'animation'
@import "animation";
The default import only includes the core mixins for creating animations. That covers all the expected properties, to be used exactly as you would in CSS:
// create your animation
@include keyframes($name) {
// apply animation(s) and adjust settings
@include animation-name([$name-1, $name-2, ..., $name-10]);
@include animation-duration([$duration-1, $duration-2, ..., $duration-10]);
@include animation-delay([$delay-1, $delay-2, ..., $delay-10]);
@include animation-timing-function([$function-1, $function-2, ..., $function-10]);
@include animation-iteration-count([$count-1, $count-2, ..., $count-10]);
@include animation-direction([$direction-1, $direction-2, ..., $direction-10]);
@include animation-fill-mode([$mode-1, $mode-2, ..., $mode-10]);
@include animation-play-state([$state-1, $state-2, ..., $state-10]);
// shortcut to apply and adjust
@include animation([$animation-1, $animation-2, ..., animation-10]);
There are default variables available for all of them:
$default-animation-name : false;
$default-animation-duration : false;
$default-animation-delay : false;
$default-animation-timing-function : false;
$default-animation-iteration-count : false;
$default-animation-direction : false;
$default-animation-fill-mode : false;
$default-animation-play-state : false;
Say you want to create your own animation. Start with the keyframes:
@include keyframes(my-animation) {
0%, 100% {
background-color: blue;
50% {
background-color: red;
That animation will change the background color from blue to red to blue again. Now let's apply it to something:
body {
@include animation(my-animation 10s infinite);
Compare that to the official CSS spec:
@keyframes my-animation {
0%, 100% {
background-color: blue;
50% {
background-color: red;
body {
animation: my-animation 10s infinite;
Pretty much identical. You're just using include/argument pairs instead of property/value pairs.
Because the Animate code creates output, you need to import it (or one of it's sob-modules) directly:
@import "animation/animate";
That will create the following named animations:
- Attention seekers
- flash, bounce, shake, tada, swing, wobble, wiggle, pulse
- Flippers (currently Webkit, Firefox, & IE10 only)
- flip, flipInX, flipOutX, flipInY, flipOutY
- Fading entrances
- fadeIn, fadeInUp, fadeInDown, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight, fadeInUpBig, fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeftBig, fadeInRightBig
- Fading exits
- fadeOut, fadeOutUp, fadeOutDown, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, fadeOutUpBig, fadeOutDownBig, fadeOutLeftBig, fadeOutRightBig
- Bouncing entrances
- bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInUp, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight
- Bouncing exits
- bounceOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutUp, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight
- Rotating entrances
- rotateIn, rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight
- Rotating exits
- rotateOut, rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight
- Lightspeed
- lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut
- Specials
- hinge, rollIn, rollOut
You can use them like this:
.widget {
@include animation(fadeIn);
You can also import a set of predefined classes for each animation:
@import "animation/animate/classes";
With those classes imported,
you can simply add the class of fadeIn
to any element,
and watch it do the magic.
That's all there is to it.