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AWS Cost Report

This tool will collect and create Daily & Monthly AWS cost reports and put them into Slack

The format should be like this

<date> - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Instance1): $<value>
<date> - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Instance2): $<value>
<date> - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (InstanceN): $<value>
<date> - Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR): <value>
<date> - Amazon Simple Storage Service: $<value>
<date> - AWS Key Management Service: $<value>
<date> - AWS Data Pipeline: $<value>

Total Spent: <value>

Before Start

This tool uses a specific file that is generated by AWS. To activate the generation, you should activate the Detailed billing report with resources and tags


In order to fully take advantage of the potential, you should Tag your resources accordingly, otherwise you will see a lot of this

<date> - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (): $<value>

Installation & Run

After cloning the code, you just need to run

## To install npm packages
npm i

## To run Daily Report
npm run report:daily

## To run Monthly Report
npm run report:monthly

Neccesary envars

SLACK_URL: This is the Slack URL that will be used to make the post to. Format<hash>/<hash>/<hash>

AWS_ACCOUNT_ID: AWS account ID. This envar will be used to download the report file

SLACK_CHANNEL: Target channel for the notification

COST_REPORTS_BUCKET: The bucket in which the report will be placed by AWS