Our goal is to provide MirrorAsAService for everybody. Everybody knows it, you're running an application stack and you don't care about traffic. It is not as much to provide anybody a mirroring functionality but it wouldn't hurt to do.
We are trying to provide you as soon as possible a full stack solution which allows you to stop or hold mirroring at any time you want, with configurable traffic and storage limits. Possibly you want to support any open source project with up to 100GB storage but your are only able to provide 30% of them.
Coming soon
Download latest prebuilt binaries package. Select the correct binary and just run it.
Mirrorhub root command.
mirrorhub [command]
Available Commands:
api Start mirrorhub api
autocomplete Generate shell autocompletion script for Mirrorhub
client Mirrorhub API-Client
gateway Start mirrorhub rest-gateway
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.mirrorhub.yaml)
Use "mirrorhub [command] --help" for more information about a command.
A config could looks like the following.
Email: [email protected]
Password: supersecurepassword
base: localhost:9000
Checkout protocol buffers under controllers/proto/api.proto
Authorize (HTTP-Header) from Client
Grpc-Metadata-ClientToken: <Token>
Authorize (HTTP-Header) from Frontend
Grpc-Metadata-ContactToken: <Token>