- B1 - basic example from geant4/examples/basic/B1
- field2 - simple example with particle in e/m field
- kon1 - basic example with particle passing throught breaking target to some detector(detecting volume)
- mpc-detector - microchannel plates detector model
- muon-flight - mini-project with simulation of cosmic muons flight through atmosphere (20 - 0 km). (Maybe not working now)
- radioactive-decay - project with simulation of radioactive decay of some ions. Planned to be a simulation of 3D-material with some radioactive ion inclusions and some detecting volume as a detector model. NOT real detector model, this task is not considered
All projects were initialy build on Geant4 v.11.2.1 + OS Windows so they may contains some platform specific libraries for C++ & platrom-specific .mac files, but they can be easily transfered to any other OS. For some projects additional software may be required (e.g. ROOT)
- Geant4
- CMake
- ROOT (optional)
- HepRep vis tools (optional)
cd ${geant4-install}/bin
call geant4.bat
source geant4.sh
cd ${your_project}/
cd ..
mkdir ${your_project}-build
cd ${your_project}-build/
cmake ../${your_project}
Winows: build via Visual Studio or any other tool
make -j8
Linux: run executable from same teriminal or new terminal after source geant4.sh
Windows: run executable from sane cmd/shell or new session after call geant4.bat
Or setup proper enviroment with all required imports