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Meeting API review 2014 06 23

Brian Anderson edited this page Jun 23, 2014 · 3 revisions



luqman, cmr, brson, aturon, acrichto, bjz, niko, nrc, pcwalton


  • Notable: clone takes &self, not &mut self

  • Concerns: Utility of clone_from. Implemented by Vec.

  • Impls for &'a T, &'a [T], &'a str, primitives

  • Impls for extern "Rust" fn

  • Recommendation: call the whole thing unstable

  • Declare these unstable:

  • impl clone for primitives

  • ../src/libcore/ impl<$($T:Clone),+> Clone for ($($T,)+) {

  • ../src/libcore/<T:Copy> Clone for Cell {

  • ../src/libcore/<T: Clone> Clone for RefCell {

  • ../src/libcore/<'a, T> Clone for &'a T {

  • ../src/libcore/<'a, T> Clone for &'a [T] {

  • ../src/libcore/<'a> Clone for &'a str {

  • ../src/liballoc/ Clone for Rc {

  • ../src/liballoc/ Clone for Weak {

  • ../src/liballoc/<T: Share + Send> Clone for Arc {

  • ../src/liballoc/<T: Share + Send> Clone for Weak {

  • ../src/liballoc/<T: Clone> Clone for Box {

  • ../src/libcollections/<T:Clone> Clone for Vec {

  • ../src/libstd/ Clone for Gc {

nmatsakis: cloning for fns is not good. might want to be careful. doesn't handle bound lifetimes correctly.

<'a> fn(x: &'a Foo) -> &'a uint

fn(T) -> U

nmatsakis: clone will just fail - has to match to a template. will for for specific lifetimes, but not for generic lifetimes

impl<T:Copy> Clone for T {
    fn clone(&self) -> T {

acrichto: don't think that is possible. with tuples, if first is copyable, second is not,... nmatsakis: yeah, painful for tuples. nmatsakis: not crazy about clone for functions

aturon: do we plan on making a second pass? brson: yes.

action items

  • clone_from experimental
  • extern fns experimental
  • everything else unstable
  • make listed imples unstable


  • Remove to_bit
  • Move tests into run-pass as basic language tests
  • Leave module intact for docs (for now)
  • Module is unstable (or experimental if we are unsure about docs)
  • make bool module cfg(docs)


action items

  • parse_bytes, FromStr, FromStrRadix experimental - may want to use result
  • deprecate to_str_bytes
  • deprecate ToStrRadix

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