Scan files and directories with multiple rules files, without cross-file rule name collision!
Files containing rules can be provided on the command-line, as a list in one or more text files, as a directory containing (just) rules files, or in a config dir. Each option (-d -f -l) can be provided multiple times.
Default output is space-separated RULE NAME, RULE FILE, and MATCH FILE. Use CSV option for comma-separated values.
pip install .
usage: [-h] [-d SIGDIRS] [-f SIGFILES] [-l LISTFILES] [-v]
[--csv] [-m] [--quiet] [--init]
[--config-dir CONFIGDIR] [--fail-on-warnings]
positional arguments:
FILE file(s) to scan
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d SIGDIRS Directory containing rules
-f SIGFILES rule file (allowed multiple times for list)
-l LISTFILES file containing path to rule files, one per line
-v verbose output
--csv output in CSV format
-m only show matches
--quiet, -q only display match/none, no informational messages
--init Create a blank config (default: ~/.yara/)
--config-dir CONFIGDIR
Use/create configuration in given directory.
--fail-on-warnings Error on warnings during rule compilation
Copyright (c) 2018-2020, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 18-0989