- Montreal, Canada
- https://www.davidguida.net
- @DavideGuida82
- in/davideguida
DictionaryLookupBenchmark Public
Benchmark of lookup performance between `Dictionary`, `SortedList`, `SortedDictionary` and `HashSet`.
SuperSafeBank Public
Sample Event Sourcing implementation with .NET Core
Blazorex Public
Blazorex is an HTML Canvas wrapper library for Blazor.
EvenireDB Public
small stream-based DB engine
SmartAssistant Public
Example of how to build an AI Smart Assistant for home automation using Semantic Kernel
Blazeroids Public
Blazeroids is a 2d space shooter implemented using Blazor and .NET.
AzureStorageTopics Public
Custom Output binding for Azure Functions that forwards a message to multiple queues
C# UpdatedJul 11, 2024 -
BlazorCanvas Public
Simple 2D gamedev examples using Blazor and .NET 5
BlazorImageUpload Public
simple application showing how to upload images with Blazor Server to an Azure Blob
DDD-School Public
Implementation of the Outbox pattern to improve microservices reliability
kiota Public
Forked from microsoft/kiotaOpenAPI based HTTP Client code generator
C# MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2023 -
OpenSleigh Public
OpenSleigh is a Saga management library for .NET Core.
BlazorAndDragons Public
D&D 5e API client written in .NET Core with Blazor and GRPC
MongoDbIntegrationSample Public
small example of how to write integration tests on MongoDB with .NET Core
WebApiWithBackgroundWorker Public
Small demo showing how to implement Pub/Sub with a BackgroundWorker in .NET Core
EFCoreCommerceDemo Public
Small demo showing how to use DDD with Persistence Ignorance using Entity Framework Core 3.
devdaychat Public
Simple chat application using RabbitMQ
BlazorWPBlog Public
Sample Blazor Webassembly application showing how it's possible to build a blog using Wordpress as data source
AzureFunction-KeyVault Public
simple example of how to use KeyVault as configuration provider for an Azure Function
C# UpdatedMar 19, 2022 -