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Polymer Docs is a boilerplate documentation framework and theme for Github Pages which converts Markdown documents to Polymer library Web Component pages.

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Polymer Documentation Theme

This is a boilerplate documentation framework for Github Pages using Markdown.

This project is based on Polymer/docs and uses Jekyll and Grunt to generate static HTML in a folder called _site. The _site folder can be served locally for development, and is desgined for easy publication to Github Pages.

See the demo.


Install npm

npm is a JavaScript dependency manager and is bundled with Node.js, available at

Install Bundler

gem install bundler jekyll --user-install

The --user-install flag will install the gem to your home directory (usually ~/.gem/ruby/2.2.0).

If Ruby warns you that the user install directory is not on your path, add it now by adding the following to your .bashrc file (or whatever is appropriate for your development environment):

PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -rubygems -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin"

Install Grunt, Vulcanize, and Bower

To install these tools globally, add a -g flag after npm install.

npm install grunt-cli vulcanize bower compass
npm install grunt --save-dev

Grunt automates tasks like minifying JavaScript, compiling SASS, and deploying the website with Jekyll.

Vulcanize (built by the Polymer team) reduces HTML files and their dependent HTML imports into one file.

Bower is a tool for managing JavaScript dependencies.


Clone this repository. For sake of example, we'll assume you clone it to ~/polymer-docs.

git clone
cd polymer-docs

bundle install
npm install
bower install

grunt docs

Deploy Locally


and point a browser to

Publish on Github Pages

The command grunt gh-pages will download your remote repo hosted on Github, so all commits should be pushed before publishing.

Run ./ and a new _site directory is created and trimmed of fat. You can manually copy the contents of this directory to another repo gh-pages branch and push to Github, just be certain that names defined in _config.yml are correct.

Note: only project owners can publish the documentation.

grunt gh-pages


Polymer Docs is a boilerplate documentation framework and theme for Github Pages which converts Markdown documents to Polymer library Web Component pages.






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