Meta repository for second iteration of session/workshop: Services Assemble! Apply MVP Principles to Create Microservices Without Chaos with Spring Cloud/Netflix OSS
- Configuration
- Spring Cloud Config service
- Eureka service registry
- Coffee (backing) service
- Edge service
- Hystrix dashboard
- To clone this in one pass, you must issue this command to clone submodules as well:
git clone --recursive
- If you've already cloned the project & missed picking up the submodules, simply run this to set it right:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Note that you can still clone all projects independently by following the links above to each individual repo
- Comment/remove Spring Cloud Stream (RabbitMQ) related code from Coffee & Edge services if not using async/MQ capabilities
- Mark Heckler
- @MkHeck
- [email protected]