- Python 3
- pip3
- virtualenv
install virtualenv if you do not have it so far
pip3 install virtualenv
go to
/project main directory
create virtualenv
mkdir venv virtualenv venv
activate virtualenv
on mac or linux :
. venv/bin/activate
on windows:
install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run App
python run.py or python3 run.py
it depends which version of python is default, on my Windows machine 3 was default
python -m pytest
python3 -m pytest
the raw scrapped files will be downloaded into
results/raw directory
the transformed csv file (which is the output of this app) with Soybean Condition report will be put into
results/cooked as soybean_condition_2016.csv file
App is able to handle different years then 2016
But for now 2016 is hardcoded in usnass_app.py in reports_year variable for convenience