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Grad school, Computer Networks, multi-threaded client & server using custom network protocol. std::map used for persistent data store. scope-based locks used for synchronization.

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Computer Networks Protocol(CNP) Project


+ --- \Server (Server source)
+ --- \Client (Client source)
+ --- \Include (CNP_Protocol.h)
+ --- \Data (saved customer account data)
+ --- \Documentation (implementation documentation)
+ --- \Bin (compiled executable)
+ --- \Obj (discardable binary intermediaries)

Computer Networks Protocol(CNP) Project Overview

  1. ASSIGNMENT: 5580 Computer Networks

    Objective of this group activity is to design an application layer protocol standard that will be used by all groups for the project. The protocol must provide the basic ATM Banking functionality of:

    • Establish a connection

    • Creating an Account

      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email Address
      • SSN
      • Driver's License #
      • User selected PIN
    • Logging On

      • PIN & First Name
    • Deposit

      • Cash or Check
    • Withdrawal

    • Stamp Purchase

    • Transaction History Query


  • 2.1. Design a protocol & present it to the class. The class will determine (vote) on the best protocol to universally adopt for each team's class project.

  • 2.2. Implement a multi-threaded Server & Client on Linux using the class selected protocol.

  • The protocol (\Include\CNP_Protocol.h) was unanimously adopted by the class.


  • 3.1. Protocol:

    • I had originally considered implementing a protocol based on ASN.1; however, I reconsidered being concerned that it would be beyond the other student's ability to understand. Instead, I went with as simple a protocol I could that used fixed-sized data fields. Additionally, I provided helper constructors that formatted the protocol messages for the students.

    • I introduced the class to the use of "#pragma pack(push, 1)" to ensure correct structure member data alignment regarding defining a protocol.

    • Surprisingly, the concept of UTC time was new to the class and I had to spend time explaining its relevance & importance in a network protocol.

    • I provided coding examples on how to use the protocol & the ClientID field:

      • The Server generates it in response to a successful CONNECT_REQUEST from the Client.

      • The Client then uses it from that point on in all further messages.

      • The Server, after issuing a ClientID, enters it into a local runtime table as a key that maps to each Client's session state.

      • The Server, verifies each subsequent message received from any Client against that client's session state using the ClientID.

      • The ClientID is not persisted and is only valid during the actual time a Client is connected. On disconnect, the same ClientID may be re-issued to another newly connected Client.

    • I provided coding examples on how to persist customer Account and Transaction tables using std::map.

    • Why no inheritance?

      • Even though, from an implementation stand-point, C++ inheritance would have afforded the ability to avoid a lot of "helper" method duplication; from the position of affording any byte-wise guarantee of consistency across various compilers and platforms, there was no way to insure that the use of inheritance would not, covertly, introduce additional hidden bytes or other compiler generated information.
  • 3.2. Server / Client

    • I found the actual implementation of the Server / Client unnecessarily burdensome and difficult. This was due to an uncooperative IT infrastructure, erratic connectivity and the strict requirement that the Server / Client be developed on one of the campus Linux servers. Additionally, there was only one Linux system on the entire campus that could support a C++-11 build environment (which I was heavily vested in).

    • To address this, I ultimately ended up porting the entire project over to Windows in order to have access to a reliable development environment that I could develop, run and test the Client / Server on; and then, port the resulting code base back to Linux.


  • 4.1. Type Definitions

    • CNP Message Types (CMT)

      enum CNP_MSG_TYPE
          CMT_INVALID           = 0x00,
          CMT_CONNECT           = 0x50,
          CMT_CREATE_ACCOUNT    = 0x51,
          CMT_LOGON             = 0x52,
          CMT_LOGOFF            = 0x53,
          CMT_DEPOSIT           = 0x54,
          CMT_WITHDRAWAL        = 0x55,
          CMT_BALANCE_QUERY     = 0x56,
          CMT_TRANSACTION_QUERY = 0x57,
          CMT_PURCHASE_STAMPS   = 0x58
      enum CNP_MSG_SUBTYPE
          CMS_INVALID           = 0x00,
          CMS_REQUEST           = 0x01,
          CMS_RESPONSE          = 0x02
    • CNP Error Result Types (CER)

      enum CER_TYPE
          CER_SUCCESS              = 0,  ///< Success!
          CER_AUTHENICATION_FAILED = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_CONNECT, 0x01),     ///< Invalid validation key
          CER_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_CONNECT, 0x02),     ///< Protocol version not supported
          CER_INVALID_CLIENT_ID    = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_CREDENTIALS, 0x01), ///< Invalid client ID found
          CER_INVALID_NAME_PIN     = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_CREDENTIALS, 0x02), ///< Invalid name or pin
          CER_INVALID_ARGUMENTS    = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_FUNCTIONAL, 0x01),  ///< Invalid arguments used
          CER_CLIENT_NOT_LOGGEDON  = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_FUNCTIONAL, 0x02),  ///< Client not logged-on
          CER_DRAWER_BLOCKED       = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_FUNCTIONAL, 0x03),  ///< Mechanical Failure
          CER_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS   = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_ACCOUNT, 0x01),     ///< Insufficient funds available
          CER_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND    = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_ACCOUNT, 0x02),     ///< Client account does not exist
          CER_ACCOUNT_EXISTS       = MAKE_ERROR_RESULT(CFC_ACCOUNT, 0x03),     ///< Prior account already exists
          CER_ERROR                = (~0)     ///< Generic error result
    • CNP Deposit types (DT)

      enum DEPOSIT_TYPE
          DT_INVALID   = 0,     ///< for initialization and error checking
          DT_CASH      = 0x01,  ///< Cash Deposit
          DT_CHECK     = 0x02   ///< Check Deposit
    • CNP Transaction types (TT)

          TT_INVALID        = 0,     ///< for initialization and error checking
          TT_DEPOSIT        = 0x01,  ///< Deposit Transaction
          TT_WITHDRAWAL     = 0x02,  ///< Withdrawal Transaction
          TT_STAMP_PURCHASE = 0x03   ///< Stamp Purchase Transaction
  • 4.2. Message Structure(s)

    • Standard Message Header (included in all messages)

      Field(s) Begin Byte End Byte
      m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_wClientID 6 7
      m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_dwContext 12 15
    • [Client->Server] Connect Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Request m_dwValidationKey 16 19
      m_Request m_wMajorVersion 20 21
      m_Request m_wMinorVersion 22 23
    • [Server->Client] Connect Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
      m_Response m_wMajorVersion 20 21
      m_Response m_wMinorVersion 22 23
      m_Response m_wClientID 24 25
    • [Client->Server] Create Account Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Request m_szFirsName 16 47
      m_Request m_szLastName 48 79
      m_Request m_szEmailAddress 80 111
      m_Request m_wPIN 112 113
      m_Request m_dwSSNumber 114 117
      m_Request m_dwDLNumber 118 121
    • [Server->Client] Create Account Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
    • [Client->Server] Logon Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Request m_szFirstName 16 47
      m_Request m_wPIN 48 49
    • [Server->Client] Logon Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
    • [Client->Server] Logoff Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
    • [Server->Client] Logoff Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
    • [Client->Server] Deposit Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Request m_dwAmount 16 19
      m_Request m_wType 20 21
    • [Server->Client] Deposit Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
    • [Client->Server] Withdrawal Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Request m_dwAmount 16 19
    • [Server->Client] Withdrawal Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
    • [Client->Server] Balance Query Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
    • [Server->Client] Balance Query Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
      m_Response m_dwBalance 20 23
    • [Client->Server] Transaction Query Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Request m_dwStartID 16 19
      m_Request m_wTransactionCount 20 21
    • [Server->Client] Transaction Query Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
      m_Response m_wTransactionCount 20 21
      m_Response m_rgTransactions[] 22 ...
      m_dwID 22 25
      m_qwDateTime 26 33
      m_dwAmount 34 37
      m_wType 37 39
    • [Client->Server] Stamp Purchase Request

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Request m_dwAmount 16 19
    • [Server->Client] Stamp Purchase Response

      Message Members Field Begin Byte End Byte
      m_Hdr m_dwMsgType 0 3
      m_Hdr m_wDataLen 4 5
      m_Hdr m_wClientID 6 7
      m_Hdr m_dwSequence 8 11
      m_Hdr m_dwContext 12 15
      m_Response m_dwResult 16 19
  • 4.1. Implementation Features:

    • Other than the FNV1a Hash algorithm used, 100% of the work is my own, even the development of a cross-platform CNP_Socket class was my own work.

    • It builds and runs on both Windows & Linux.

    • The server gracefully shuts down on both platforms.

      • It makes use of installing a handler for catching the Control-C command to programmatically shutdown the sockets/threads & gracefully terminate.

      • In order for the server to gracefully terminate, the Server socket had to be asynchronous to be able to interrupt an otherwise blocking socket call, that would have prevented it from shutting down otherwise.

      • This is not truly the way an asynchronous socket server should be developed and I had to take some short-cuts due to the time being consumed.

      • It can be built using either the .sln solution file on Windows or the make-files in the Client / Server subdirectories with the "make all" commands on Linux.

    • The source makes use of various C++-11 features such as std::thread, std::mutex, ranged-based for loops, use of auto key word, etc.

    • Neither the Client nor the Server takes any command-line arguments, you should be able to run them and they prompt you on what to enter.

    • Run the server 1st, obviously. It will prompt you for what port number it should listen on.

      • this really should have been done via a command-line argument or persisted configuration, but I time did not allow for implementation of this "optional" feature.
    • The server is truly multi-threaded, as will be shown in the server console while it is processing various client messages.

      • I was able to build & run both the Server & Client on both Linux & Windows.

      • I was able to do some cross-platform connection tests with the Server on Linux and Clients on Windows, but I did not have time to try the other way around.

      • I ran tests against the Server with as many as 5 Clients running at a time.

  • 4.2. Implementation Shortcomings:

    • There is virtually no input data verification on the Client.

    • There is no checking to see if partial messages are sent or received.

    • I did not use ::htonl, ::htons, etc., like I should have. I was only able to get away with this because both the Client & Server were on the same endian systems.

    • I did not get to make use of my TSQueue (thread-safe queue) template class. I ported it to Linux in preparation of using it. Ultimately, it was not required. I left it in the source anyways for reference, as there are commented sections of the source code where it was clear how I intended to use it.



Grad school, Computer Networks, multi-threaded client & server using custom network protocol. std::map used for persistent data store. scope-based locks used for synchronization.







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