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Chat and meetups server application using ideas from Event-driven Architecture and Event Sourcing implemented on NestJS.


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Project Description

Boochat is a chat and meetups application developed as a hobby for my friends. This repository refers to the server implementation monorepo. For the ui repository check here.

The project is inspired by ideas from Event-driven Architecture and Event Sourcing.

How to run

  1. Make sure you have docker installed on your machine, with docker-compose. Install guide
  2. Create two copies of the file .env.example and name them .env and .local.env. The local env file should have the variables that affect the local serve of the app. The already existing .docker.env file relates to the docker stack and its variables. Τhe .env file should have the variables that affect the release app. The .env.example file is a valid .docker.env file, so that should work out of the box.
  3. The app has the potential serve push notifications to android devices leveraging Firebase Cloud messaging. Follow the instruction on how to set this up here and remember to update the respective .env files with GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. If you just want to run on web, don't worry this step is not mandatory.
  4. Run docker-compose up -d inside the root directory of the project.
  5. For watching logs, run docker-compose logs --follow

You should a working local version of the whole stack.

Technology Stack


  1. NestJs - Opinionated Node.js framework for building server-side applications.
  2. MongoDB - Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
  3. RabbitMQ - RabbitMQ is the most widely deployed open source message broker.


Workflow diagram

Domain structure

Following Domain-Driven-Design principles, there will be a description of the entities, events, commands and queries.

  • Everything in Bold reffers to Entities
  • Everything in Italic reffers to Events



A User is anyone who interacts with the UI of the app.

User Properties:

  • id: string (got from Google Authentication)
  • name: string
  • imageUrl: string


The room is the actual chat room in which people exchange Messages. A room has participats(in the form of Users) that might change as time progresses, since Users get Invited or Leave Rooms.

Room Properties:

  • name: string
  • participants: User Array
  • items: RoomItem Array
  • imageUrl: string

Room Item

A RoomItem encapsulates two entities, Messages and Announcements. Announcements are stuff like "User left a room", "User was invited to a room", "User created a poll". Messages are typical data sent by a specific user. Announcements are sent by the system and that's their core difference.


This is probably the most business important entity of the system even though it's contents are self-explained.

Message Properties:

  • sender: User
  • content: string
  • dateSent: Date
  • room: Room


  • content: string
  • timestamp: Date
  • roomId: string


A Meetup describes a gathering to take place on a specific Date, by specific attendees, at a specific location. A Meetup is always related with a Room.

Meetup Properties:

  • name :string
  • organizer: User
  • location: string
  • attendants: User Array
  • takesPlaceOn: Date
  • room: Room
  • polls: Poll array
  • alert: Alert array


An alert typically appears in a room window and it relates to its connected meetup. Below is the alert enum which will explain what an alert might be

Alert Enum

enum AlertEnum {

Alert Properties

type: AlertEnum payload: unknown


enum PollTypeEnum {
  • participantIds: string array
  • type: PollTypeEnum
  • status: PollStatusEnum
  • votes: PollVote array
  • creatorId: string (user's google id)
  • meetupId: string
  • dateCreated: string
  • description: string
  • pollChoices: string array


A poll vote has to be an independent entity in the database because it triggers workflows. For example if a user casts the last poll vote, the poll might close.

  • userId: string
  • choiceIndex: number
  • pollId: string


Every Event has a userId property and a type property. The ```type`` property is a enum lookup. Every event tends to have a userId since most events have a creator. A Message's creator is the sender. An announcement's creator is kind of implied. For example when a Room Announcenent is created about a new user invitation, the creator is the inviter.

Events are seperated into three categories:

  1. Room Events
  2. Meetup Events
  3. User Events

Room Events Table

Event Name Payload
Room created User Created Room Payload
Message sent Send Message Payload
*Announcement Created * Announcement Created Payload
User closed Room User Closed Room Payload
User invited User to room event User Invited to Room
User leftRoom** User Left Room Paylod

Room Events Enum

enum RoomEventEnum {

Meetup Events Table

A User (Event Name) Payload
User created a Meetup User Created Meetup Payload
Poll closed Poll Closed Payload
User Changed Meetup Image closed User Changed Meetup Payload
User changed rsvp User Changed Rsvp Payload
created Poll User Created Poll Payload
cast Poll vote User Cast Poll Vote Payload

Meetup Events Enum

enum MeetupEventEnum {

User Events Table

Event Name) Payload
authenticated User Authenticated Payload
closed room User Closed Room Payload
enum ApplicationEventEnum {


Room Created Payload

  • userId: string
  • roomName: string
  • userIds: string[]
  • imageUrl: string

Message Sent Payload

  • senderId: string
  • roomId: string
  • content: string

Announcement Created Payload

  • senderId: string
  • roomId: string
  • content: string

User Closed Room Payload

  • userId: string
  • roomId: string
  • timestamp: Date

User Invited To Room Payload

  • userId: string;
  • inviteeId: string;
  • roomId: string;

User Left Room Payload

  • userId: string;
  • roomId: string;

User Authenticated Payload

  • userId: string
  • imageUrl: string
  • email: string // name should be inside .env for allowing users to auth to the app
  • name: string

User Closed Room Payload

  • userId: string
  • roomId: string
  • timestamp: Date

User Created Meetup Payload

  • userId: string
  • name: string
  • attendees: string array
  • location: string
  • organizerId: string
  • takesPlaceOn: Date
  • imageUrl: string
  • roomId: string

Poll Closed Payload

  • userId: string
  • meetupId: string
  • pollId:string

Meetup Image Changed Payload

  • userId: string
  • meetupId: string
  • pollId:string

Poll Created Payload

-userId: string

  • meetupId:string
  • pollType: PoleTypeEnum
  • description:string
  • pollChoices: string array

Rsvp Changed Payload

  • userId: string
  • meetupId: string
  • rsvp: number

Poll Created Payload

  • userId: string,
  • meetupId: string,
  • pollType: PollType
  • description: string,
  • pollChoices: string[]

Poll Vote Payload

  • userId: string
  • pollId: string
  • pollChoiceIndex: number

Rest Endpoints

Even though the application mainly works asynchronously via RabbitMQ and WebSockets, there some Rest Endpoints.

  • The main authentication endpoint resides in the command-api layer. The user grabs an encrypted JWT token that each service knows how to decode by sharing a secret. The encryption is done by the native nodjs encryption libraries.
  • When a user clicks a room, the user gets all the roomItems of that specific room. This is an endpoint that resides in query-api.

Development Roadmap

1. Create Command API

  • Create Persistence Layer
    • Create Event Store
  • Create Domain Events
  • Handle Domain Events in Application Layer
    • Save events to Event Store
    • Emit Event to Message Broker(RabbitMQ)

2. Create Query API

  • Create Persitence Layer
    • Finalize Database Entities
    • Create Database Architecture for saving denormalized events
  • Req/Res Layer
    • Create Queries and Query Handlers
  • Web Socket Layer
    • Emit Web Socket messages after consuming events from Message Broker


Chat and meetups server application using ideas from Event-driven Architecture and Event Sourcing implemented on NestJS.








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