A highly configurable and feature-rich shimmer effect library for Roblox UI elements.
- Fully Typed: Complete type safety with Luau type definitions
- Highly Configurable: Extensive customization options for all aspects of the shimmer effect
- Smart Parent Tracking: Automatically adapts to parent UI corner radius and padding changes
- Multiple Effects:
- Classic shimmer animation
- Rainbow color cycling
- Pulse effect
- Blur effect
- Glow effect
- Interactive: Supports hover interactions and amplification
- Event System: Built-in event handlers for animation complete, loop, and start events
- Performance Optimized: Efficient rendering and cleanup mechanisms
local RoShimmer = require(path.to.RoShimmer)
-- Create a basic shimmer effect
local shimmer = RoShimmer.new(yourGuiObject)
-- Create a customized shimmer effect
local shimmer = RoShimmer.new(yourGuiObject, {
time = 1.5,
gradientRotation = 45,
shimmerColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1),
shimmerOpacity = 0.8
local config = {
-- Animation Settings
time = 1,
style = Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
direction = Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,
repeatCount = -1,
reverses = false,
delayTime = 0,
-- Gradient Settings
gradientRotation = 15,
gradientTransparency = {1, 1, 0.55, 1, 1},
gradientWidth = 0.35,
shimmerColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1),
shimmerOpacity = 1,
-- Special Effects
useRainbowEffect = false,
rainbowSpeed = 1,
pulseEffect = false,
pulseScale = 1.05,
pulseSpeed = 1,
blurEffect = false,
blurSize = 10,
glowEffect = false,
glowColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1),
glowTransparency = 0.5,
glowSize = 2,
-- Behavior
followParentCorners = true,
followParentPadding = true,
reactToHover = false,
hoverAmplification = 1.2,
zIndex = 1
local shimmer = RoShimmer.new(yourGuiObject, config)
-- Control Methods
shimmer:Play() -- Start the animation
shimmer:Pause() -- Pause the animation
shimmer:Cancel() -- Stop the animation
shimmer:Destroy() -- Clean up the shimmer instance
-- Effect Toggles
shimmer:SetBlur(true) -- Toggle blur effect
shimmer:SetGlow(true) -- Toggle glow effect
shimmer:ToggleRainbow(true) -- Toggle rainbow effect
shimmer:SetPulse(true) -- Toggle pulse effect
-- Configuration
shimmer:UpdateConfig(newConfig) -- Update configuration at runtime
-- Event Handling
shimmer:AddEventListener("complete", function()
print("Animation completed!")
Smart Parent Tracking: Unlike other shimmer libraries, this one automatically adapts to parent UI changes, including corner radius and padding adjustments.
Multiple Effect Combinations: Combine various effects like rainbow cycling, pulsing, blur, and glow to create unique animations.
Interactive Animations: Support for hover interactions and dynamic amplification of effects.
Type Safety: Full Luau type definitions for better development experience and error prevention.
Extensive Configuration: Nearly every aspect of the shimmer effect can be customized, from basic animation parameters to advanced visual effects.
Runtime Updates: All configurations can be updated during runtime without recreating the shimmer instance.
MIT License - feel free to use in any Roblox project!
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues and pull requests.
RoShimmer is an improved version of https://devforum.roblox.com/t/shime-shimmer-for-guiobjects/2272199 by @WinnersTakesAll!
- Portfolio: https://ahmedsayedv2.vercel.app
- Discord: ahmedsayed0