This is a the sketch of a bluetooth controlled path correcting rover controlled by Arduino UNO. It uses ultrasonic sensor to calculate the distance and take corrective measures accordingly.
Bluetooth module HC-05
LCD module LCD1602
LCD1602 I2C backpack module
Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
Motor Driver L298N
-LCD1602 I2C backpack
SCL - A5
SDA - A4
Vcc - 5V
Gnd - Gnd
-Bluetooth module HC-05
Tx - Rx
Rx - Tx (With a voltage divider circuit)
Vcc - 5V
Gnd - Gnd
-Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
Echo - 6
Trig - 7
Vcc - 5V
Gnd - Gnd
-Motor Driver L298N
OUT1, OUT2, OUT3 & OUT4 - To the motor
IN1 - 4
IN2 - 5
IN3 - 2
IN$ - 3
12V - External power source
Gnd - Gnd