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Buzz_Scene (Building and shops Recognision ) 
Abstract :
Buzz-Scene is intended to make our life easier by creating a new
interface that allow the users to query services by taken an image for
a specific buildings/shops from the street , instead of annoying the
users with the traditional way of querying services across the
browsers from the websites , and all that in the street environment .
Buzz scene are based on study done by myself in Nablus city Rafyidya
street on 24 point of interest (buildings/shops) concluded that devices
has the ability to recognize and see like humans .

Built using OpenCV 2.4.9

Implementing BOVW method: Visual Categorization with Bags of Keypoints by Mohammed Abulsoud , 
Using SIFT detector  and descriptor .
Radial Basis Function SVMs for classification.

This is basically a primer to BOVW methods using OpenCV.
Feel free to reuse the code .

-opencv lib +2 (tested under 2.4.9).
-c++ compiler support c++11 features .

Basically, it's very simple just run:
1)cmake .. ; if you build out the source code .else if within the source code just run cmake . 
then all target excutables are generated ,you can work with theses collections . 

Working it
Assume the whole directorys are organized same stated below in the (directories header ). 
I cannot upload the data-set for privacy  .

The directories 
1.descriptors : contain the unclusterd descriptors used to built the vocabulay/dictnary .
2.dictionary : contain the dictinary files formated as  yaml. 
3.SVM_parameter_files : contain  directories for different  SVM's parameters .
4.test : contain the directories of the test images (431). 
5.test_samples : contain the test images response histograms from the Bag of visual worlds . 
6.tain : contain the directories of the tain images (804).
7.train_sample : contain the train images response histograms from the Bag of visual worlds . 
8.whole_datasets : contain the whole images used to build the dictinary . 

The Exctuables
1)extract_features : this will extract the descriptors from <training_directory> and store them to <destination_directory> as a yaml file .
NOTE: the training images used in this stage are 984 images for building the vocabulary ,you can skip this excutable if you want to build 
the vocabulary instead by using the build_dictinary excutables .

USAGE:: ./extract_features <training_directory> <destination_directory>

2)build_dictinary : this will produce a container of unclustered descriptors , then cluster them using kmeans++ .
USAGE:: ./build_dictinary  <Training directory>  <destination dictinary directory>  <size of the dicinary> 

this process are very long it take me 4 hours on my laptop i3 4 core with number of trial equal 3 and size of the dictinary = 1000.
I store the dictinary/vocabulary for performace testing with different size of dictinarys . 

3) compute_histogram_responses : given a set of examples in <examples file> (here train.txt) , the histogram of each example are computed ,
and stored on disk in <response directory> .
I store the responses  for performace testing  with different SVM paramters  . 

USAGE: ./compute_histogram_responses <vocabulary_file.yml> <examples file> <response directory> 

4) train_svms : the train strategy used is one vs rest approach (1 vs 24 ) .
give the <train examples file.yaml> the SVM's parameters file produced are stored on disk in SVM_parameter_files directory .
USAGE:: ./train_svms <train examples file.yaml>

5) predict_one_class : this will test the module for one class ,given the <dictinary file>(dictinary) and the <test examples file> (test.txt).

USAGE:: ./predict_one_class <dictinary file> <test examples file> 

6) test_allclasses : test the module with <test samples file>(test.txt) examples & <SVM paramters directory> (parameters directory) ,will end up with Confusion matrix , you can visualize it by running program .

USAGE:: ./test_allclasses <test samples file> <SVM parameters directory> 

7) building_recognition : given unseen image , the module will the class with the heighest score .
you can tweak the flags to use another scoring strategy ,and multiple building recognition in the same scene , the last is not implement yet .

USAGE:: ./building_recognition <input_image>  

Some of the computation is speed up on multi-core machines by using OpenMP, so it's recommended to use it.

Precsion = 84.5716%
Recall = 83.2947%

you can see the result in the confusion_mat.txt file ,also there's an Image to visualise the result . 
this is Un-balanced data-set for Building & shops in my city Nablus .


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