Repository for the Intune Custom Inventory solution by
IMPORTANT! Version 1.1 requires use of version 3.0.0 of the Invoke-CustomInventoryAzureFunction.ps1 to be used in Proactive Remediations This version of the Azure Function will work for any custom log you want to send securely to Log Analytics
Use the simple proactive remediation that sends data direct to Log Analytics Workspace with secrets in code. Read the blogpost:
Use the new and updated proactive remediation that sends data through a Azure Function App to keep secret out of code and secure that only approved and known clients can send data to your log workspace.
- Deploy Azure Function using our template.
- Set API Permissions for MSI to graph with Add-MSIGraphPermissions.ps1
- Deploy the Invoke-CustomInventoryAzureFunction.ps1 Proactive remediation after you added your Azure Function URL to the script.
$LogPayLoad = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$LogPayLoad | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers @{$LogName1 = $Logdata1}
$LogPayLoad | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers @{$LogName2 = $Logdata2}
# Construct main payload to send to LogCollectorAPI
$MainPayLoad = [PSCustomObject]@{
AzureADTenantID = $AzureADTenantID
AzureADDeviceID = $AzureADDeviceID
LogPayloads = $LogPayLoad