Turn etherpad into codepad - a collaborative open development enviroment.
Status: Beta - ~bugfixes mostly until 1.0.0 - bug reports welcome.
This etherpad-lite plugin merges functionality of a few simple plugins, and adds tons of functionality on its own.
File Tree view, open files into pads and save them back.
Syntaxhighlighting for 92 popular languages - based on highlight.js
Adds themes, properly implemented with css, and a theme generator
beutify html/css/javascript code with jsBeutify
Syntax-check javascipt with jsHint, and display results
save/commit/push (F2) and play
It sets some reasonable defaults and customizes buttons
Admin interface based on adminpads
Can use a hash instead of a password in the users section of settings.json (ep_hash_auth)
Authentication user name to username, and custom color
Special URI's:
- /files - filetree
- /log - logview
- /v[/folder]/file - quick view-only with syntaxhighlighting
- /p[/folder]/file - open pad for editing
Currently the following codepad parameters are supported in etherpad's settings.json:
- default theme
- project_path to save files
- log_path for displaying logs (parent dir needs execute right)
- button to open a browser to the project
- action to perform when pushing files
- authentication password-hash, custom colors
The use of authentication and https recommended.
"ep_codepad": {
"theme": "Cobalt",
"project_path": "/srv/project",
"log_path": "/var/log/codepad/log",
"play_url": "http://project.local",
"push_action": "cd /srv/project && git add . && git commit -m codepad-auto"
"ep_hash_auth": {
"hash_typ": "sha512",
"hash_digest": "hex",
"allow_namechange": "true"
"users": {
"Bob": {"hash": "6c98..66d2","is_admin": true, color: "#ff2222"},
"Al": {"hash": "c7r2..b72c","is_admin": true, color: "#2244ff"}
Codepad is designed to work together with fedora "srvctl", an LXC container and virtual server farm managment tool. https://githubub.com/LaKing/Fedora-scripts
Known issues:
- while editing, multiline comments in pads don't get highlighted as expected
- log-view can crash after a while
Please feel free to send comments, bug-reports, ... .. and/or in case of professional, or commercial use please donate to support open source software developers.