This repository contains rust snippets to get on-chain data from the Morpho protocol.
Rust and Cargo.
: Morpho market snippetsretrieve_market_info
: retrieves various information (accounting, rates, user position) about a marketretrieve_markets
: retrieves all market created on Morphoretrieve_events_with_logs
: retrieve logs on Morpho over a specific range of blockssubscribe_to_event_log
: listen to all events emitted on Morpho
: Morpho vault snippetsretrive_vault_details
: retrieve various information (accounting) about a vaultretrieve_vault_activity_details
: retrieve vault interactions (deposit, withdraw, transfer and interest accrual) on a specific Morpho vaultretrieve_vaults
: retrieve all vaults created by the Morpho vault factory
: Morpho protocol arithmetic logic (equivalent of MathLib.sol)
: Morpho API snippet
Run the main file with
cargo run