This code was originally made in Eclipse, and works well there with the standard "Run" mechanism.
Go to: java/ and press Run
Go to the main() function in
Change line: e.evaluator = new IntertwinedSpirals( args );
To the evaluator of your choice.
The main function was designed for command line usage in a .jar, but by swapping the evaluator class that you initialize you can easily change the problem within the IDE of your choice.
./install $HOME/bin
grneat-random --filePath=test2.grn --nInput=3 --nOutput=3 --nRegulatory=10 --randomSeed=17
grneat-display --filePath=test2.grn
grneat-random --filePath=test2.grn --nInput=3 --nOutput=3 --nRegulatory=10 --randomSeed=17
grneat-mutate --inputPath=test3.grn --outputPath=test3_child.grn --pAddMutation=0.3 --addMutationMaxSize=5 --delMutationMinSize=3 --pDelMutation=0.3 --pChangeMutation=0.3 --randomSeed=12245
grneat-distance --pPath=test3.grn --qPath=test3_child.grn
:repositories [["brevis" ""]]
:dependencies [[us.brevis/GRNEAT "0.0.1"]]
Cussat-Blanc, S., Harrington, K., and Pollack, J. (2015) Gene Regulatory Network Evolution Through Augmenting Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 19(6), pp. 823 - 837.