This project implements a simple beach booking system for Monte Argentario, Italy, showcasing a basic Flask web application deployed on Vercel.
- index.html: The home page, displaying a map with interactive markers representing various beaches. Each marker shows availability information.
- booking.html: The booking form for a specific beach, allowing users to select a date, spot, and time slot.
- view_bookings.html: Displays a table of all bookings, showcasing details like beach, date, time, spot, and booked status.
- base.html: A base template shared by all pages, defining the navigation bar and common styles.
- The Flask application logic handling routes, database interactions, and booking logic.
- Contains configurations for the Flask application, including database connection settings.
- Interactive Map: The home page displays a Leaflet map with markers for various beaches, dynamically fetching and displaying their availability status.
- Booking Form: The booking page allows users to select a specific beach, date, spot, and time slot, checking for real-time availability and confirming the booking.
- Database Integration: The application utilizes SQLAlchemy to interact with a SQLite database, storing booking information and enabling persistence.
- Real-Time Availability: The application fetches availability data dynamically using Flask API endpoints, providing real-time updates.
- Vercel Deployment: The project is deployed on Vercel, allowing for easy deployment and hosting of the web application.
- User Interaction: Users interact with the home page map, clicking on markers to view beach availability information and booking details.
- Booking Form: Clicking the booking link for a beach opens the booking form. Users choose the desired date, spot, and time slot.
- Availability Check: The application queries the database and checks for available spots using the
endpoint. - Booking Confirmation: If a slot is available, the booking is confirmed, and the information is stored in the database.
- Bookings View: Users can access the
page to see all the bookings made.
The project is deployed on Vercel, a popular platform for deploying static websites and serverless functions.
- Vercel Integration: The project uses a
file for configuring Vercel deployment, defining build commands and output directories. - Deployment Process: Vercel automatically builds the application, deploys it to its infrastructure, and provides a public URL for access.
- User Authentication: Implement user registration and login to personalize bookings and manage accounts.
- Payment Integration: Add a payment system to allow users to pay for their bookings.
- User Interface: Improve the user interface and styling for better visual appeal and user experience.
- Email Notifications: Send email notifications to users confirming bookings and reminders.
- Mobile Responsiveness: Make the application responsive to mobile devices.
This project serves as a foundational example of a simple beach booking system. It demonstrates the use of Flask, database integration, real-time data fetching, and deployment on Vercel. You can further expand upon this project to create a more robust and feature-rich booking system.