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CMake Options

Pablo Hoch edited this page Jun 1, 2021 · 1 revision

The following options can be set to ON or OFF (e.g. cmake ... -DMOTIS_WITH_WEBUI=ON ...):

  • MOTIS_WITH_WEBUI (default OFF): Enable the motis-web-ui target
  • MOTIS_AVX (default ON): Enable AVX functions (supported CPUs)
  • MOTIS_AVX2 (default ON): Enable AVX2 + FMA3 functions (supported CPUs: AVX2, FMA3)
  • MOTIS_CUDA (default OFF): Enable CUDA functions
  • MOTIS_LINT (default OFF): Run clang-tidy with the compiler
  • MOTIS_DEBUG_SYMBOLS (MSVC only, default ON): Generate debug symbols (for Debug and RelWithDebInfo builds)
  • NO_BUILDCACHE (default OFF): Disable the integrated BuildCache

The following options have string values:

  • MODULES (default: all available modules): Select a list of modules to compile (e.g. cmake ... -DMODULES="routing lookup" ...)
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