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Feedback Tool

This Feedback Tool was developed on Laravel 11.x.


See Laravel 11.x deployment documentation for server requirements and deployment guidance.
MySQL 8.0+ is recommended, can also be run with MariaDB or SQLite.

For Docker based development (recommended) using Laravel Sail you will need to install Docker and, for Windows, WSL2 (and ensure it is integrated with Docker).
Docker on Windows (via WSL2):

To run locally without Docker Laravel Herd is an option for Windows and MacOS or you can use your own preferred stack. Minimum requirement is PHP (8.2/8.3) with MySQL and Composer. Laravel's local development server can then be used via php artisan serve.

Node and NPM are also required for development and/or building assets.

Installation (Using Sail and Docker)

For full Sail documentation please visit Laravel Sail - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans.

Windows Performance Advice

Whilst it is possible to run the following with the code in a folder on the Windows file system, i.e. somewhere within a /mnt/<drive> folder when viewed in the Linux distros, it is recommended to clone (or simply copy) the repository to the Linux file system for a significant performance improvement.


On Windows the following instructions should be carried out within a WSL Linux distro.

Clone the repository.

git clone

Go to the project root folder.

cd feedback-tool/

Run the script to install Composer and Node dependencies. This utilises a docker container so there is no need to have the ability to install the dependencies on your local system.


Configure the .env file, simply copy .env.sail.example file to .env and modify if necessary. The default configuration should be suitable in most situations.

Run the application with Sail

You can configure and alias to allow the use od sail rather than vendor/bin/sail.

alias sail='[ -f sail ] && bash sail || bash vendor/bin/sail'

The rest of this documentation will assume you have set up the alias.

The up command starts the Docker containers (the -d option starts the containers in the background in 'detached' mode)

sail up -d

Key generation

The APP_KEY needs to be generated.

sail php artisan key:generate

Database migration and seeding

Generate the database tables and populate with example data, including an admin account.

sail php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Alternatively, if you wish to generate the database tables without any example data.

sail php artisan migrate:fresh

Accessing the App

If .env has been modified from .env.sail.example then adjust the following instructions accordingly.


The app will be available at http://localhost:8080.

To log in to the configured admin account:
email: [email protected]
password: password

Important: Remember to change the admin password immediately after installation.


The MySQL database is accessible on localhost:33066.
username: sail
password: password


Mailpit is used as the SMTP server to capture outgoing email. The Mailpit dashboard can be accessed at http://localhost:8025.

Stopping the application

To stop the application and leave the containers in their current state.

sail stop

To stop the application and remove the containers.

sail down

This assumes containers are running in the background, if running in the foreground CTRL + C will stop the container.


To configure the development environment Node dependencies need to be installed.

sail npm install

To run the vite development server (hot reloading).

sail npm run dev

To build assets following changes to JS/CSS.

sail npm build

At present we store built assets in the repo to avoid the need for a build step during deployment. This may change in the future.


As indicated earlier it is possible to clone the repository to the Windows file system and launch the app using Sail. Whilst this can make it easier for development using a Windows IDE it can dramatically affect the performance when running the app. With the repository cloned to the Linux file system it can still be possible to develop using a Windows IDE, e.g. VS Code has the remote-wsl extension to open folders within WSL.


You may wish to consider Laravel Forge or Laravel Vapor for deployment.

Copy .env.example to .env and modify according to your production needs.

Ensure APP_ENV is set to production.
Ensure APP_DEBUG is set to false. Check database settings. Check logging settings.
Check mail settings. Ensure APP_ADMIN_EMAIL and MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS are set to suitable addresses.

Assets are built and committed when required to avoid end users having to build them on deployment. If changes have been made locally then it will be necessary to build them before/during deployment (Requires Node, NPM and dependencies installed).

npm run build

On a fresh install the database tables can be created and seeded as per the instructions for running locally using Sail and Docker. Don't forget to immediately change the admin password following installation!


Feedback tool built on Laravel, inspired by PHPBack.







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