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OTAdrive official library for ESP8266/ESP32 in Arduino platform

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Official library to use OTAdrive services in ESP8266/ESP32 arduino platform

PlatformIO Registry

Arduino library

OTAdrive Arduino library provides all features of our service with user friendly interface. The library exists on both Arduino repository and PlatformIO registry.


Install on PlatformIO

To install the library on PlatformIO project you find the project in PIO library manager and add it to your project.

PlatformIO add library OTAdrive

Or you can simply add following line in lib_deps section of the file:

lib_deps =

Install on Arduino IDE

You could find OTAdrive library on library manager and add it to your project.

Arduino IDE add library OTAdrive


Bellow is the list of OTAdrive library.

Method Description
setInfo Sets general information about your firmware. You should call this method first.
updateFirmware Updates firmware from the OTAdrive server, if a newer version is available.
sendAlive Sends a request to the server containing the last status of the device
getConfigs Gets device configuration as string
onUpdateFirmwareProgress Sets your callback method for update firmware progress
syncResources Syncs SPIFFS files with the OTAdrive server
setFileSystem Sets the fileSystem object. You have to call it before use syncResources()
timeTick A helper for periodical syncing


void setInfo(String apiKey,String firmwareVersion)

You have to call setInfo once and before any usage of OTAdrive library.

void setup()
  // Set ApiKey and firmware version of your device
  // Remember, You have to change the version field before
  //   upload the firmware.bin to the OTAdrive
  OTADRIVE.setInfo("c0af643b-4f90-4905-9807-db8be5164cde", "2.5.5");


updateInfo updateFirmware(bool reboot = true)

This method calls update firmware API and updates your ESP8266/ESP32 firmware if a newer(different) version available on the OTAdrive server. You can show the update progress to users by using onUpdateFirmwareProgress event.
After successfull firmware update, the device should reset. If you want to do something before restart (for exampl save some value), you should pass reboot parameter as false, then you have to call ESP.restart() yourself.

// The device will reboot here on success update
auto r = OTADRIVE.updateFirmware();
Serial.printf("Update result is: %s\n", r.toString().c_str());


bool sendAlive()

The method sends a request to the OTAdrive sever, includes the statuses of the device such as firmware version, battery voltage, RSSI, etc. Just call this method every time you want.



String getConfigs()

This method calls configuration API and gets the configuration of the device from the server. It returns a string containing JSON configurations.

String c = OTADRIVE.getConfigs();
Serial.printf("configuration: %s\n", c.c_str());


void onUpdateFirmwareProgress(THandlerFunction_Progress fn)

If you want to show update progressbar to the device's user, You can use this method to get download percentage of the new firmware.
The method has two parameters, total contains size of the new firmware and progress contains the number of downloaded bytes.
Following code shows how to show a update progressbar.

void onUpdateProgress(int progress, int totalt)
  static int last = 0;
  int progressPercent = (100 * progress) / totalt;
  if (last != progressPercent && progressPercent % 10 == 0)
    // print every 10%
    Serial.printf("%d", progressPercent);
  last = progressPercent;

void setup()


bool syncResources()

This method calls resource API and downloads new files from the server to local storage (SPIFFS or LittleFS). If you modify files on the server, this method detects changes and replaces the old file with the modified file.

// sync local files with OTAdrive server


void setFileSystem(FS *fileObj)

If you have resources (HTML, JS, MP3, JPG, etc.) for the update, The library should download and save them to the device storage with a suitable file system. There are at least two different kinds of file systems developed for ESP MCUs, The SPIFFS, and The LittleFS. The library will choose The SPIFFS for ESP32 and The LittleFS for ESP8266 automatically. If you want to change the file system handler to something else, you should call this method.

OTADRIVE.setFileSystem(/*pointer to your file system object*/)


bool timeTick(uint16_t seconds)

This method helps you to manage intervals between each update/sync operation between your device and the OTAdrive.
The following example shows how to check and update firmware every 5 minutes (300 seconds).

void loop()
  if (OTADRIVE.timeTick(300))
    auto r = OTADRIVE.updateFirmware();
    Serial.printf("Update result is: %s\n", r.toString().c_str());


You can find a complete example Here. The library is compatible with ESP32 and ESP8266 with no action, just include otadrive_esp.h and start to use our service like charm.

The following code shows all features of this library:

// do it every 5 minutes (300 seconds)
    // retrive firmware info from OTAdrive server
    updateInfo inf = OTADRIVE.updateFirmwareInfo();
    // update firmware if newer available
    if (inf.available)
        Serial.printf("\nNew version available: %s, %dBytes\n",inf.version.c_str(), inf.size);
        Serial.println("No newer version");

    // sync local files with OTAdrive server
    // list local files to serial port
    listDir(FILESYS, "/", 0);

    // get configuration of device
    String c = OTADRIVE.getConfigs();
    Serial.printf("\nconfiguration: %s\n", c.c_str());

Changes History

2024/01/16 Release 1.1.29

  • Improve downloading via GSM

2023/12/30 Release 1.1.28

  • setChipId method added

2023/12/30 Release 1.1.27

  • GPRS bug fix

2023/12/02 Release 1.1.23

  • Bug fix: key-value #LF at the end of value

2023/12/02 Release 1.1.22

  • Simple key-value configurations

2023/02/07 Release 1.1.9

  • Use MD5 checksum for compare firmware version of the device

2023/02/07 Release 1.1.8

  • GetConfig Bugfix for ESP8266

2022/10/19 Release 1.1.7

  • Watchdog timer handle for ESP32
  • Bugfix

2022/10/19 Release 1.1.2

  • OTA via TinyGsm library for GSM modems (SIM800, UC20, etc.)

2022/04/23, Release 1.0.8

  • Bugfix

2022/04/23, Release 1.0.7

  • updateFirmwareInfo() returns result of the operation
  • updateFirmwareInfo() let you to prevent reboot after update
  • Automatic filesystem detection
  • timeTick() method for easy sync timing

2021/08/24, Release 1.0.5

  • Bug fix: updateFirmwareInfo() always returns "no new firmware available"


OTAdrive official library for ESP8266/ESP32 in Arduino platform






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  • C++ 95.4%
  • C 4.6%