Devirtualizer for VirtualGuard Protector using AsmResolver.
Supported VMs
- Crocodile
- Spider
Refer to the blogpost for more information.
WIP : It's missing some handlers right now but enough to devirt the crackme.
- Please use de4dot-vg for deobfuscating the executable first.
λ de4dot.exe test-guarded_croc.exe
de4dot v3.1.41592.3405 Copyright (C) 2011-2015 [email protected]
Latest version and source code:
Detected VirtualGuard (Z:\de4dot-vg\test-guarded_croc.exe)
Cleaning Z:\de4dot-vg\test-guarded_croc.exe
Renaming all obfuscated symbols
Saving Z:\de4dot-vg\test-guarded_croc-cleaned.exe
- Now you are ready to use the Devirt!
λ VirtualGuardDevirt.exe .\test-guarded_croc-cleaned.exe
_.---._ .---. / _ \
__...---' .---. `---'-. `. \_\(_)/_/
.-''__.--' _.'( | )`. `. `._ : _//o\\_ Max
.'__-'_ .--'' ._`---'_.-. `. `-`. / \
~ -._ -._``---. -. `-._ `.
~ -.._ _ _ _ ..-_ `. `-._``--.._
-~ -._ `-. -. `-._``--.._.--''.
VirtualGuard ~ ~-.__ -._ `-.__ `. `.
Crocodile/Spider VM jgs ~~ ~---...__ _ ._ .` `.
Devirt by MrT4ntr4 ~ ~--.....--~
04:47:50 [~] : Module Loaded : 𝙑𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙂𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙
04:47:50 [~] : VM Type : Crocodile VM
04:47:50 [~] : Found Virtualized method : System.Void VirtualGuard.Tests.Authenticator::.ctor(System.String, VirtualGuard.Tests.Maths) with disasConst : 0x0005386f
04:47:50 [~] : Found Virtualized method : System.Void VirtualGuard.Tests.Authenticator::InputPassword(System.String) with disasConst : 0x0008fdbf
04:47:50 [~] : Found Virtualized method : System.Boolean VirtualGuard.Tests.Authenticator::Validate() with disasConst : 0x0004d446
04:47:50 [~] : Found Virtualized method : System.Void VirtualGuard.Tests.Maths::.ctor(System.Int32, System.Int32) with disasConst : 0x000bf4e5
04:47:50 [~] : Found Virtualized method : System.Int32 VirtualGuard.Tests.Maths::Add() with disasConst : 0x000934e2
04:47:50 [~] : Found Virtualized method : System.Void VirtualGuard.Tests.Program::Main(System.String[]) with disasConst : 0x000301fd
04:47:50 [~] : Found Virtualized method : System.Void VirtualGuard.Tests.Program::.ctor() with disasConst : 0x0004e76c
04:47:50 [Debug] Finding Disassembly Constant
04:47:50 [Debug] Disassembly Constant Found : 0x00077146
04:47:50 [~] : NOPing out VM Init instructions from constructor (System.Void <Module>::.cctor())
04:47:50 [~] : Disassembling Method : System.Void VirtualGuard.Tests.Authenticator::.ctor(System.String, VirtualGuard.Tests.Maths)
04:47:50 [Debug] Disassembling Simple Branch!
04:47:50 [Debug] _currentBlockAddr = 0x0005386f
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: stloc V_1
IL_0005: ldloc V_1
IL_0009: call System.Void System.Object::.ctor()
IL_000E: ldarg.0
IL_000F: stloc V_3
IL_0013: ldarg.1
IL_0014: stloc V_4
IL_0018: ldloc V_3
IL_001C: ldloc V_4
IL_0020: stfld System.String VirtualGuard.Tests.Authenticator::_user
IL_0025: ldarg.0
IL_0026: stloc V_5
IL_002A: ldarg.2
IL_002B: stloc V_6
IL_002F: ldloc V_5
IL_0033: ldloc V_6
IL_0037: stfld VirtualGuard.Tests.Maths VirtualGuard.Tests.Authenticator::_math
IL_003C: ret