This just a laravel template with breeze react, user role based access crud with setup daisyui style admin template test
- PHP 8.2 or latest
- Node 20+ or latest
prepare env
cp .env.example .env # configure app for laravel
touch database/database.sqlite # if you use .env.example with default sqlite database
composer install
npm install
use php server
php artisan migrate --seed # create table for db and seed data
php artisan key:gen
php artisan ser #keep run to dev
compile asset
npm run dev # compiling asset for development # keep run for dev
easy way
docker compose up -d
username : [email protected]
password : password
npm run build
after build the assets you can manually compress you application to deploy on web hosting / vps
php artisan build
this command will generate
in your root folder and its file ready with build assets and optimize files
it can generate 3 type of crud : form modal, form page, and single form, run command below to test
php artisan scaffold
will ask you few options
in above example you will can see the result by access http://localhost/customers or add menu to sidebar with
// resources/js/Layouts/routes.cjs
name: 'Customer',
show: true,
icon: HiCog,
route: route('customers.index'),
active: 'customers.index',
permission: 'view-setting-customers',