A complete c++ api for hue products
This project is very much in development so this readme will be frequently updated as features are added. The intention is to have a functional and easy to use c++ interface for hue products, with some possible added functionality. Below are some of the implemented features and the todo list:
JSON Configuration file which can populate and save off up settings. Could be used for lighting settings as well
Get and Post and Put methods implemented
Auto-connect, hub IP retrieval and authentication
Local name and descriptions for lights.
[PARTIAL] Add validation checks for value ranges (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20151013-00/?p=91371) System put in place, but honestly I'm getting bored of this project. HUE has release a new API to handle customer interests and I struggle with the overall usefullness of this program
ncurses debug console
- Curl development libraries
- Boost Property Tree
- Boost Optional
- Boost JSON parser
- CMake (v3.8+)
- Download and cd into hue-api directory
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- ./hue_server
- If you do not have a configuration file with a valid key you will need to press button on the HUE hub when prompted. Once this is complete the key should be saved in the configuration file which by default will be saved unless the build directory is removed.
Yeah, It doesn't do a whole lot unless you throw in debug code. An ambitious person might make it compile to a dynamic library.... Maybe I'll get around to it.