- Ruby 2.6.3
- PostgreSQL 11.2
git clone
cd highload_blog
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Add your database username and password in config/database.yml
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
There are 2 ways how to run seeds. For the first one you need to run rails server:
bundle exec rails server
and in another tab run:
bundle exec rake db:seed
It will make a response to server for each record creation. That's why I've added "fast seeds". Main idea to use them if you would like to generate a quite big database as soon as possible. To run it:
bundle exec rake fast_seeds:run
In .env you can find next constants. Feel free to change them to check performance. Changing INCREASE_COEFFICIENT is the easiest way to increase the number of records several times.
Running seeds can take some time. Please wait until 'Done. Seeds are created' will appear. Then run in console:
bundle exec whenever --update-crontab --set environment='development'
It schedule cron jobs for refreshing materialized views. Please notice that it will work in development mode. It runs every minute necessary rake tasks for refreshing materialized views. Of course it's been done for easier testing locally. You can change it in config/schedule.rb and rerun script above. Then run server(if it hasn't been running yet):
bundle exec rails server
For making requests I decided to use rake tasks. All of them can be found in lib/tasks/requests.rb. You will see response and necessary time for each request. If time is green it means that request took less than 100 ms. Otherwise it's red and took >100ms.
You can pass next variables: AUTHOR(author login), IP_ADDRESS, POST_TITLE and POST_BODY. If you skip any of these variables it will take or generate random data.
or running without params
bundle exec rake requests:create_post
You can pass next variables: POST_ID and RATING_VALUE(1-5). If you skip any of these variables it will take or generate random data.
bundle exec rake requests:rate_post POST_ID=1 RATING_VALUE=4
or running without params
bundle exec rake requests:rate_post
You can pass next variables: N(number of records). It uses 20 as default number of records.
bundle exec rake requests:get_top_posts N=100
or running without params
bundle exec rake requests:get_top_posts
You cannot pass any variables there. Just run:
bundle exec rake requests:get_not_uniques_ip_addresses
For testing run:
bundle exec rspec spec