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Easy and smart info extract from docs using AWS and AI capabilities

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Smart Doc Extract

React application that uses Amazon Textract to extract data from a document image and display it in an interactive web page. This example runs in a web browser and requires an authenticated Amazon Cognito identity for credentials. It uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for storage, and for notifications it polls an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue that is subscribed to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

Amazon Textract is a machine learning service that analyzes scanned document images. Amazon Textract extracts text, form, and table information from typed and handwritten documents like medical records, financial reports, and tax forms.


  • As an AWS best practice, grant this code least privilege, or only the permissions required to perform a task. For more information, see Grant Least Privilege in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.
  • This code has not been tested in all AWS Regions. Some AWS services are available only in specific Regions. For more information, see the AWS Region Table on the AWS website.
  • This example uses React and Bootstrap, popular libraries for building user interfaces that run in a web browser. Use of these libraries is for illustrative purposes only and does not indicate endorsement.
  • Running this code might result in charges to your AWS account.

Prerequisites and setup

  1. You must have an AWS account and have your default credentials and AWS Region configured as described in the AWS Tools and SDKs Shared Configuration and Credentials Reference Guide.

  2. Install the dependencies listed in package.json. This package was tested with npm version 6.14.9.

    cd javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/textract-react
    npm install
  3. Create AWS resources needed for the example by running the setup.yaml AWS CloudFormation script. Substitute your own stack name for <stack-name> in the command. This name must be unique within your AWS account.

    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <stack-name> --template-body file://setup.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name smartdocextract --template-body file://setup.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
    The `setup.yaml` file was built from the
    [AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)](
    source script here:
  4. Verify the stack is completely deployed before the next step by running the following command:

    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <stack-name>
    The stack is deployed when it reports a StackStatus of CREATE_COMPLETE.
  5. Add additional assets needed for the example by running the AddRemoveAssets.js script with the add option and pass the stack name you used in the previous step.

    node AddRemoveAssets.js add <stack-name>
    node AddRemoveAssets.js add smartdocextract
    This script puts output data from the CloudFormation stack into the `Config.js` file
    and uploads a default image to Amazon S3.

Running the code

The application runs in a web browser.

  1. Start the development web server by running the following commands.

    cd src
    npm start
  2. If your browser does not open automatically, open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

  3. Select Sign in. This navigates you to an Amazon Cognito hosted UI where you can sign in or sign up to create an Amazon Cognito identity. If you create a new identity, you must provide a valid email address to receive a verification code. An Amazon Cognito authenticated role is required to access the asynchronous Amazon Textract APIs used by this example.

  4. After you sign in to Amazon Cognito, you are redirected back to the example application.

  5. Select Load to load the default image.

  6. Select Extract to extract data from the image. Extracted data is displayed in the Data explorer panel.

  7. Select elements in the Data explorer panel to see bounding polygons drawn over the image.

Destroy resources

Follow these steps to destroy example resources.

  1. Run the AddRemoveAssets.js script with the remove flag at a command prompt.

    node AddRemoveAssets.js remove
    This script deletes the default image from the Amazon S3 bucket, removes users from
    the Amazon Cognito user pool, and removes identities from the Amazon Cognito identity
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack and all of its resources by running the following at a command prompt with the stack name you used to create the stack:

    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <stack-name>
  3. Verify the stack is completely destroyed by running the following command:

    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <stack-name>

    The stack is destroyed when CloudFormation returns a ValidationError and reports that the stack does not exist.

Example structure

This example uses an MVC (model view controller) pattern that separates the user interface components built with React from the model component that calls AWS services. A main application render function is subscribed to the model so that it is informed whenever the underlying data changes.

This example uses Bootstrap for styling and layout. Bootstrap uses class names to specify how an element is styled, such as btn btn-primary to denote a primary button.

React components

The following files each contain JSX that defines elements of the React application.

  • App.js

  • ExplorerCard.js

  • ExplorerTree.js

  • ExtractButtons.js

  • ImageDisplay.js

  • ImageLoader.js

  • LoginCard.js

    Model components


Creates AWS clients that are initialized with Amazon Cognito identity credentials.


Handles calls to AWS services, formats returned data, and informs the render function when data changes so the application can render any changes.

Utility components


Generated by the AddRemoveAssets.js script. Contains deployment information from the CloudFormation stack, such as the Amazon S3 bucket name and Amazon SQS queue URL.


The main script called when the page is loaded. Gets the session token from the URL query parameters, creates AWS clients, and subscribes the main render function to the model.


Maps data elements to UI elements like colors and filters.


The HTML for the page. Because this is a React application, the HTML is minimal.

Running the tests

Launch the test runner in interactive watch mode by running the following in the project folder at a command prompt:

npm test

Additional information

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.



Why for AddRemoveAssets.js we need to add "type": "module" to package.json in order to work and for running the project we need to remove.


Easy and smart info extract from docs using AWS and AI capabilities






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