A collection of common Docker images, customized to my liking and dependent on each other. In general, this means using Ubuntu 15.10 and Python 2.7. Not tagged for different versions yet, but maybe in the future.
Typical run commands are in a comment at the top of each Dockerfile
Base Ubuntu 15.10
System Installs Python 2.7
Additional Installs pip from https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
Base Above Python image
System Installs
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite 3
pip Installs
- Psycopg 2
- Django 1.9.3
Base Above Python image
pip Installs
- Scrapy
- Scrapinghub Command Line
- Scrapinghub Storage
Base Ubuntu 15.10
System Installs Snapcraft
Base Ubuntu 15.10
Source Installs OpenCV 3.1.0 with contrib