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My nvim config, from Uruguay to the world xD

I wanted to keep it as minimal as possible. The goal is to work with react+node while being able to find my files using fzf, finding text within them using Ag and having keybindings be as similar to vscode's as possible.

You may love vscode's way of solving conflicts, I know I do. If that's the case, the tool I chose to deal with git conflicts which I found to be the simplest and closest to vscode's offering is conflict-marker.vim, it's just so simple.

Installation steps

  1. Install nvim
brew install nvim
  1. Clone this repo to ~/.config/nvim

  2. Install vim-plug if it's not already installed on your system

sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'
  1. Install Ag if you don't have it already.
brew install the_silver_searcher
  1. Open nvim and run :PlugInstall

Useful tips

Searching within a file

  1. Press /.
  2. Type the search pattern.
  3. Press Enter to perform the search.
  4. Press n to find the next occurrence or N to find the previous occurrence.

Nevigate through the entire project using a tree view (NERDTree)

Tap Ctrl+B and you'll toggle NERDTree like you toggle the file explorer in VSCode.

Searching in all files

Tap Ctrl+F to use Ag to look for any given text in all your files known by git

Look for a file by name

Tap Ctrl+P to bring up fzf and start typing your filename

Split screen

  1. Tap Ctrl+W and then V (for vertical split) or S (for horizontal split).
  2. Tap Ctrl+W and then either L or H to navigate between vertical splits OR J or K to navigate between horizontal splits.

Copying text

  1. Go into VISUAL mode.
  2. Select all the text you want to copy.
  3. Use key combo "+y to copy to the OS clipboard OR just y to copy within VIM.

Vertical split to compare uncommitted changes to a file with HEAD

:Gdiffsplit does this for you.

Looking at previous revisions of a file with vim-fugitive and vim-unimpaired

  1. :Gclog -10 % will load the last ten commits that affected the currently open file into the quickfix list.
  2. To navigate between revisions just use [q and ]q.

Solving git conflicts with conflict-marker.vim

  • Navigate between conflict markers using [x and ]x.
  • Use bindings to choose what version you want to keep:
    • ct to keep incoming version
    • co to keep current version
    • cb to keep both versions
    • cB to keep both versions in reverse order
    • cn to keep nothing

Going back to previous cursor position

Press Ctrl+O.

Show symbol documentation in ts/js

Press Shift+K.

Some other coc.nvim shortcuts

  • gd => go to definition
  • gi => go to implementation
  • gr => find all references
  • ]c => go to next issue (error or warning)
  • [c => go to previous issue (error or warning)
  • :CocDiagnostics => show a list of all errors || warnings and take me there when I choose one

Going to the beginning/end of a file

  • gg to go to the beginning of the current file.
  • G to go to the end of the current file.

Debugging with vimspector

  • First remember to configure your project to use vimspector. For this create a .vimspector.json file and check out the reference docs to see how to write it.
  • Use the following hotkeys to debug
    • F5 to start debugging
    • F9 to toggle a breakpoint in the current line
    • F10 to step over
    • F11 to step into
    • F12 to step out

Potential problems

  • You may have coc.nvim throw some errors because python is not properly configured. If the language is already installed the error might be you don't have the neovim package installed, which can easily be solved by running pip install neovim
  • Does the thing look ugly AF with tons of unsupported characters? You're just missing a font, a Nerd Font in particular! Install one (or all fonts using the script they provide) from their repo right here and set one to your terminal profile, the one I like is Ubuntu Nerd Font Mono.


My minimal neovim config for javascript development






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