Utility functions for defining diffusion processes in the fewest lines of code. The package is designed to work seamlessly with BridgeSDEInference.jl.
For instance, to define a Lorenz system it is enough to write
@diffusion_process Lorenz begin
process --> 3
wiener --> 3
_ --> (3, Float64)
σ --> Float64
constdiff --> true
b(t, x, P::Lorenz) = @SVector [
P.p2*x[1] - x[2] - x[1]*x[3],
x[1]*x[2] - P.p3*x[3]
σ(t, x, P::Lorenz) = SDiagonal(P.σ, P.σ, P.σ)
It is also possible to include template parameters, for instance:
@diffusion_process Lorenz{T} begin
process --> 3
wiener --> 3
_ --> (3, T)
σ --> Float64
constdiff --> true
We also provide some examples of pre-defined diffusion processes that can be imported without having to write any code with:
@load_diffusion :lorenz
To see a list of all pre-defined examples call
We additionally provide some functionality for sampling trajectories. For instance, to sample a three-dimensional standard Brownian motion use:
const DD = DiffusionDefinition
tt = collect(0.0:0.01:1.0)
wiener_path = rand(tt, Wiener(), zero(DD.ℝ{3}))
The wiener path can then be used in an Euler-Maruyama scheme to compute a trajectory under a given diffusion law:
XX = trajectory(tt, DD.ℝ{3})
P = Lorenz(28.0, 10.0, 8.0/3.0, 2.0)
DD.solve!(XX, wiener_path, P, zero(DD.ℝ{3}))
See the documentation for a comprehensive overview.