Ansible inventory plugin and script for getting ansible hosts from LibreNMS API. All LibreNMS variables are available with prefix 'libre_' in ansible inventory. Usage of plugin is advised as it supports caching and scripts are probably being deprecated.
Install dependencies pip install unidecode
Clone repository to a directory.
Find out what ansible.cfg file your installation uses by launching ansible --version
Edit ansible.cfg:
inventory_plugins = inventories # directory where is located
enable_plugins = librenms
Create inventory plugin configuration, take libre_inventory.yml.dist as example.
Export LibreNMS API access token as env variable: export LIBRENMS_TOKEN=abc
Test that inventory works: ansible-inventory -v --list -i libre_inventory.yml
Use for your playbooks: ansible-playbook -i libre_inventory.yml my-playbook.yml
Install dependencies pip install unidecode
Clone repository to a directory.
Make script executable chmod +x
. Define environment variables LIBRENMS_API_URL
Test: ansible-inventory -v --list -i
Use for your playbooks: ansible-playbook -i my-plabook.yml