framebuffer device driver that implements a simple framebuffer device for:
- ws2812b - tested with adafruit-arc - 15 pixel and 32x8 panel)
- ws2812 - not tested due to lack of device
- apa102 - not tested due to lack of device
Basically you have to set it up with a 74HCT125 as a level translator
- ws2812b (and ws2812):
- SPI-CS is connected to 1/OE
- SPI-MOSI is connected to 1A
- WS2812-DI is connected to 1Y (possibly with a pulldown)
- apa102
- SPI-CS is connected to 1/OE and 2/OE
- SPI-SCK is connected to 1A
- SPI-MOSI is connected to 2A
- APA102-CI is connected to 1Y (possibly with pulldowns)
- APA102-DI is connected to 1Y (possibly with pulldowns)
You need to configure the framebuffer via the device-tree
Here an example for a ws2812b string that creates a 40x16 pixel framebuffer from 2 matrix 8x32 plus 2 matrix 8x8:
fb2: fb@0 {
reg = <0>;
status = "okay";
compatible = "worldsemi,ws2812b";
/* spi speed needs to be 3 x the 800kHz pixel rate of the ws2812b */
spi-max-frequency = <2400000>;
/* limit current for the whole panel to 4A
* - depending on power supply */
current-limit = <4000>;
* define the panels
* note that if they overlap they will produce identical content
* for the defined portion
panel@0 {
reg = <0>;
compatible = "adafruit,neopixel,matrix,32x8";
panel@1 {
reg = <1>;
compatible = "adafruit,neopixel,matrix,32x8";
x = <0>;
y = <8>;
panel@1 {
reg = <2>;
compatible = "adafruit,neopixel,matrix,8x8";
/* set the coordinates */
x = <32>;
y = <0>;
multiple = <2>;
Lots of values are exposed in /sys/class/graphics/fbX/:
- led_count - number of LED in the "strip"
- led_max_current_blue - mAmper that a single led consumes at full power blue
- led_max_current_green - mAmper that a single led consumes at full power green
- led_max_current_red - mAmper that a single led consumes at full power red
- current - estimated mAmper that the led string consumes
- current_max - estimated maximum mAmper that the led string consumed
- current_limit - current limit in mAmper that triggers a reduction in overall brigthness to stay below this value
- brightness - overall display brightness (scaled automatically to limit current)
- better documentation
- upstreaming to official kernel
- merge with foundation kernels
- mixing different densities
- allowing "regional averaging"
- allowing "radial averaging" (for "Ambilight(tm)" like approaches)
- panel rotation