Make sure you have ARGoS >= 3.0.0-beta52 installed!
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src
sudo make install
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_blinky.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_simple_movement.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_nonblocked_movement.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_speaker_listener.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_speaker_listener_mod.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_disperse.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_orbit.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_move_to_light.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_gradient_simple.argos
argos3 -c src/examples/experiments/kilobot_sync.argos
- Architecture
- Single-thread, single process wrapper around kilolib.h
- Robots must run the same behavior
- Global variables cannot be used to contain state
- Single-thread, single process wrapper around kilolib.h
- Models
- Only model offered is the Kilobot
- Motion is kinematics with simple overlap resolution
- Robots cannot push other objects
- Communication neglects obstructions
- Message drop has uniform probability
- Architecture
- Multi-thread, multi-process architecture
- Robots can run different behaviors
- Global variables can be used to contain state
- Models
- Models of Kilobot, other robots, boxes, cylinders
- Motion is full 2D dynamics
- Robots can push other objects
- Communication considers obstruction
- Message drop considers local density
- Models of Kilobot, other robots, boxes, cylinders