🚧 Work in progress
powered Telegram MTProto proxy server.
You can use the cargo install
$ rustup update
$ cargo install mtproxy
or a classic build and run:
$ git clone https://github.com/dotcypress/mtproxy
$ cd mtproxy
$ cargo build --release
$ cp target/release/mtproxy ~/.bin # assuming .bin is in your path
Note: mtproxy
requires rust v1.26.0 or higher.
docker run --name 'mtproto_proxy' --restart unless-stopped -p 1984:1984 -dti dotcypress/mtproxy -s 'proxy secret'
'proxy secret' - is seed for generating secret, you should choose another word or generate random with openssl rand -hex 15
docker logs mtproto_proxy
docker stop mtproto_proxy
docker rm mtproto_proxy