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MahmoudRizk edited this page Feb 22, 2016 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the CSE371Project wiki!

What is CSE371Project ?

It's an interactive school website which enables the interaction between the student and his teacher.Allowing the student to view the studying material online and have a discussion with his teacher and classmates.

The website was developed by a team of four students. The frame work used in building this website was django-python.

What does it consist of?

The project consists of three pages:

  1. Sign-up/Log-in page
  2. Document viewing page: "It is the page where you view all the slides of the document"
  3. Slide viewing page: "it is the page where you can view a single slide and can comment on it"

The project consists of four models:

  1. Comment model "This is the place where the comments made by the user is saved in the database"
  2. Document model "This is the place where the uploaded files are saved in the database and the data related to it like who uploaded it?(the owner), belongs to what subject?(the subject), When was created?(date of creation)."
  3. Page model "This is the place where the converted files (from .pdf to .jpg) are saved in the database and it a also contains the likes count"
  4. Subject model "This is the place where title and the slug of the document is saved in the database, it makes the categorization of the documents on the site"