Folklof-Client serves as the main repository for the development of the Folklof platform's front end, showcasing products related to our users.
Folklof leverages contemporary and robust web technologies to ensure a seamless and intuitive user experience. The core technologies used in Folklof's development are:
React with TypeScript: The front-end of Folklof is crafted using React, a widely-used JavaScript library for building user interfaces, combined with TypeScript. This synergy brings the benefits of strong typing and enhanced code quality, leading to a more maintainable and scalable application.
Vite: Folklof utilizes Vite as its front-end build tool. Known for its speed, Vite offers features like hot module replacement and efficient bundling, which streamline the development process and enhance the overall workflow.
Material-UI: To create a visually appealing and consistent user interface, Folklof incorporates Material-UI, a popular React UI framework. Material-UI provides a comprehensive suite of pre-designed components and theming capabilities, which allows for the creation of a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interface.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Login: A seamless and secure login process, enabling easy access for users.
Sorting and Filtering: Users can sort and filter stories based on age groups and categories, ensuring a tailored reading experience.
Personalized Story Library: A feature for users to save and organize their favorite stories, creating a personalized collection for easy access and continued reading.
Quizzes: Interactive quizzes integrated into the stories to enhance learning and retention.
Reviews and Ratings: Users can rate and review stories, providing valuable feedback and recommendations for others.
Audio Stories with Text: Users can listen to audio narratives while reading along with the text displayed beside it, catering to various learning styles.