This project shows how to model a 4-bit flash ADC and a 4-bit DAC using ideal components. Used vdc, vpulse, vcvs, switch, res, cap, vccs to construct the 4-bit ADC based on the flash architecture. Models are built in Cadence using ideal components & VerilogA blocks, & Analysis is done on Matlab.
1- To create the Thermometer-Code Output, ((2^4)-1) Comparators & (2^4) voltage levels created by the resistive ladder are used.
2- To Convert the Thermometer-Code to a Binary-Code Output, a ROM Encoder is placed after the Comparators.
3- The whole flash ADC:
- Using Cadence:
Select the transient signal of the DAC's output, then use the "dft" & "dB20" functions in the ADE calculator to plot the output FFT spectrum. - Using Matlab:
Sample the transient signal of the DAC's output by using the "sample" function in the ADE calculator, then save tha samples in a CSV file, then Run the Matlab code on the CSV data.
My project on google drive:
EE288 Lecture Notes:
Videos on how to create VerilogA blocks for ADCs: