This is the kotlin implementation of Elrond SDK
This project was primarily designed for Android but is also compatible with any Kotlin-friendly app since it doesn't use the Android SDK
This SDK is built with the clean architecture principles.
Interaction are done through usecases
Here is an example for sending a transaction.
// Create a wallet from mnemonics
val wallet = Wallet.createFromMnemonic(..., 0)
// Get information related to this address (ie: balance and nonce)
val account = ErdSdk.getAccountUsecase().execute(Address.fromHex(wallet.publicKeyHex))
// Get the network informations
val networkConfig = ErdSdk.getNetworkConfigUsecase().execute()
// Create the transaction object
val transaction = Transaction(
sender = account.address,
receiver = Address.fromHex(...),
value = 1000000000000000000.toBigInteger(), // 1 xEGLD
data = "Elrond rocks !",
chainID = networkConfig.chainID,
gasPrice = networkConfig.minGasPrice,
gasLimit = networkConfig.minGasLimit,
nonce = account.nonce
// Send transaction.
// Signature is handled internally
val sentTransaction = ErdSdk.sendTransactionUsecase().execute(transaction, wallet)
Log.d("Transaction", "tx:${sentTransaction.txHash}")
In a real world example, the usescases would be injected
The sample application showcase how to do it on Android with Hilt framework (see the Sample App).
Usecase | Endpoint |
GetAccountUsecase | GET address/:bech32Address |
GetAddressBalanceUsecase | GET address/:bech32Address/balance |
GetAddressNonceUsecase | GET address/:bech32Address/nonce |
GetAddressTransactionsUsecase | GET address/:bech32Address/transactions |
GetTransactionInfoUsecase | GET transaction/:txHash |
GetTransactionStatusUsecase | GET transaction/:txHash/status |
SendTransactionUsecase | POST transaction/send |
EstimateCostOfTransactionUsecase | POST transaction/cost |
GetNetworkConfigUsecase | GET network/config |
QueryContractUsecase | POST vm-values/query |
QueryContractHexUsecase | POST vm-values/hex |
QueryContractStringUsecase | POST vm-values/string |
QueryContractIntUsecase | POST vm-values/int |
Usecase | Description |
CallContractUsecase | Interact with a Smart Contract (execute function): equivalent to erdpy contract call |
Usecase | Description |
RegisterDnsUsecase | Send a register transaction to the appropriate DNS contract from given user and with given name: equivalent to erdpy dns register |
GetDnsRegistrationCostUsecase | Gets the registration cost from a DNS smart contract: equivalent to erdpy dns registration-cost |
CheckUsernameUsecase | Can be useful for validating a text field before calling RegisterDnsUsecase |
// default value is ProviderUrl.DevNet
// configure the OkHttpClient
ErdSdk.elrondHttpClientBuilder.apply {
The SDK is not yet uploaded to a maven repository
You can build the jar from the sources by running mvn package
For a complete example you can checkout this sample application