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Install Nodel as a Windows service

Justin Parker edited this page Nov 6, 2024 · 18 revisions

These instructions assume a basic familiarity with a command-line console, e.g. cmd.exe.

This is a very low-impact installation method that primarily lays out the files and registers a new Windows service. The service and files can be unregistered (deleted) at any time.

The service name will be called "Nodel" for this example.

1. Pick a simple folder name and create it e.g. C:\Nodel, including some subfolders


2. Download preparation:

  1. download the latest Nodel JAR file
  2. download the latest JDK for Java 8†
  3. download the service bindings executables‡
    • link to binaries
      • see windows folder -> (was v1.4.0 at time of writing)
    • copy prunmgr.exe and prunsrv.exe into C:\Nodel\bin
  4. rename the service binding executables to match service name
    • e.g. prunsrv.exe becomes nodelsvc.exe and prunmgr.exe becomes nodelsvcw.exe

4. Confirm folder structure

Files and folders should look something like this:

C:\Nodel                                             # folder
C:\Nodel\bin                                         # folder
C:\Nodel\bin\nodelsvc.exe                            # service executuble 
C:\Nodel\bin\nodelsvcw.exe                           # service management application
C:\Nodel\bin\nodelhost-release-2.2.1-rev508.jar      # latest nodel version
C:\Nodel\bin\jdk1.8.0_432                            # JVM root, "java home"

5. Register and configure service

C:\Nodel\bin\nodelsvc.exe //IS --DisplayName "Nodel"  ^
   --Description "The Nodel project."  ^
   --Jvm C:\Nodel\bin\jdk1.8.0_432\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll  ^
   --Startup auto  ^
   --StartMode jvm  ^
   --StartClass org.nodel.nodelhost.Service  ^
   --StartMethod start  ^
   --StartPath C:\Nodel  ^
   --StopMode jvm  ^
   --StopClass org.nodel.nodelhost.Service  ^
   --StopPath C:\Nodel  ^
   --StopMethod stop  ^
   --StopTimeout 60  ^
   --LogPath .\logs  ^
   --Classpath C:\Nodel\bin\nodelhost-lumi-release-t20-20230516-2.2.1-rev604.jar

6. Start service

C:\Nodel\bin\nodelsvc.exe //RS


You can skip the service registration and start sections and simply run Nodel using:

C:\Nodel> .\bin\jdk1.8.0_432\java -jar C:\Nodel\bin\nodelhost-lumi-release-t20-20230516-2.2.1-rev604.jar


† The Amazon Corretto 8 project is highly recommended

‡ They're known as the Procrun Windows binaries from the Apache Commons Daemon project

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