This repository contains the files for NaiveBayesClassifier project done for the Artificial intelligence course comp-472 offered by Concordia University(Montreal, Canada)
The purpose of this project was to learn and apply the concepts of Natural Language Processing(NPL) & Machine Learning(ML). In this project a dataset (Dataset of Kaggle taken from kaggle) was provided and it consisted of posts from users from year 2018-19. Each post includes the following columns:
- (Object ID | Title | Post Type | Author | Created At | URL | Points | Number of Comments | year)
In this task a probabilistic model was built by tokenizing the titles Created At 2018 (Used as the training data). The model consisted of each tokenized word followed by the frequencies & smoothed conditional probabilities of eadch Post Type (story, ask_hn, show_hn, & poll respectively). The model file model-2018.txt looks like:
- 1 block 3 0.003 40 0.4 10 0.014 4 0.04
- 2 query 40 0.4 50 0.03 20 0.00014 15 0.4
In this task test our Naive-Bayes-Classifier from the training dataset training dataset to classify posts taken from 2019 into their likely class. The testing results were saved into the baseline-result.txt file. The file consists of each Title followed by the classification given by the classifier, score of each class (story, ask_hn, show_hn, & poll respectively), the correct classification, the label right or wrong. For example:
- 1 Y Combinator story 0.004 0.001 0.0002. 0.002 story right
- 2 A Student's Guide poll 0.002 0.03 0.007 0.12 story wrong
Different variations were performed over the baseline and the above tasks(Task-1 & Task-2) were implemented with the following constraints:
- 3.1 Stop words filtering - All the words in the stopword.txt file were removed and task-1 & 2 were performed again. The new model & results were saved in stopword-model.txt and stopword-result.txt files respectively.
- 3.2 Word Length filtering - All the words with length ≤ 2 & length ≥ 9 were removed task-1 & 2 were performed again. The new model & results were saved in wordlength-model.txt and wordlength-result.txt files respectively.
- 3.3 Infrequent Word filtering - Gradually removed words with frequency=1, frequency ≤ 5, frequency ≤ 10, frequency ≤ 15 and frequency ≤ 20 & then gradually removed the top 5% most frequent words, the 10% most frequent words, 15%, 20% and 25% most frequent words. Plotted both the performances of the classifiers against the number of words left in the vocabulary list.
- hns_2018_2019.csv
- stopwords.txt
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details