Finite-state machine (FSM) based workflow
public enum State { S1, S2, S3 }
public enum Action { A1, A2, A3 }
public class SampleObject
public string Title { get; set; }
public State State { get; set; }
public class SampleWorkflow : IFsmWorkflowBuilder<SampleObject, State, Action>
public IStateMachine<State, Action> Build(SampleObject obj)
return new FsmBuilder<State, Action>(obj.State)
.OnJump(x =>
obj.State = x.Fsm.Current;
Console.WriteLine($"State changed to {obj.State} from {x.PrevState}");
.On(Action.A1).Execute(x => { /* some operations */ return obj.Title; })
.On(Action.A3).Enable(x => /* some conditions */ true).JumpTo(State.S3)
.OnEnter(x => Console.WriteLine($"Enter to final state"))
var sampleObject = new SampleObject { Title = "Test", State = State.S1 };
var workflowBuilder = new SampleWorkflow();
var workflow = workflowBuilder.Build(sampleObject);
// Console output:
// State change to S2 from S1
// State change to S3 from S2
// Enter to final state
"start": "_obj.State",
"onJump": "_obj.State = _args.Fsm.Current; Console.WriteLine($\"State changed to {_obj.State} from {_args.PrevState}\")",
"states": {
"S1": {
"events": {
"A1": { "execute": "/* some operations */ return _obj.Title" },
"A2": { "jumpTo": "ConsoleApp.State.S2" }
"S2": {
"events": {
"A3": { "jumpTo": "ConsoleApp.State.S3" }
"S3": {
"onEnter": "Console.WriteLine(\"Enter to final state\")"
var sampleObject = new SampleObject { Title = "Test", State = State.S1 };
var workflowBuilder = new FsmWorkflowJson<SampleObject,State,Action>(File.ReadAllText(@"SampleWorkflow.json"));
var workflow = workflowBuilder.Build(sampleObject);
// Console output:
// State change to S2 from S1
// State change to S3 from S2
// Enter to final state